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The room of 143 has no more sound of the monitor beeping as Haneul and Riki fill the room itself with their own laughter.

They were hanging out again at Haneul's room, and of course it wasn't just that, but Riki himself is continuing drawing the girl portrait.

Surely he couldn't focus on drawing it as Haneul keep making effortlessly stupid joke and story , which he find really dumb and funny.

And cute at the same time.

“Okay i remembered that one time about the story my mom told me, it was about my brother. My family were at our grandparents farm and he were 2 years old that moment, then he saw a cow poop-”

She stopped talking mid-ways as she started laughing again, Riki that stop his drawing just to listen and adore her talking , just smile.

He find her really cute.

Am i falling for her? Or i just like hearing her talking?

“H-he.. He thought it was a mud, so he jump on it and end up playing with it. He got all the poop over him, which got my mom so mad because he was playing with a poop, and since she have to wash the stinky clothes... ”

She sighed with a smile on her lips while wiping away tears that form because of loud laughter earlier .

“Is he really did jump up and down on that poop?” Riki asked as his face make a disgusted expression.

“Yeahhh hahahaha, he so funny sometimes”

“Oh by the way, have you finish the portrait?” Haneul asked, and Riki just smile to her.

“Almost actually , i just have to draw your l-lips and then im done-”

Riki said feeling a bit nervous ,

“Ah okay, you can continue” Haneul simply replied as she fix her sitting posture.

With that, Riki gazed stuck on her lips as he start drawing it. Her lips was heart shaped , coloured with soft pink and looking plump. He wonder how soft her lips are..

He want to kiss it.

But he kept telling himself a big no, because it could go wrong. And make their friendship awkward and weird .

“Riki are you okay?”
Haneul speak up, as the boy didn't move at all.

Riki look at her with a confused face

“Im asking if you're okay, since you have staring at me for so long... ”
Haneul said, feeling a bit weird .

“Oh im sorry—”

“Its okay”

Riki can feel himself blushing as he continue drawing the girl portrait. And after giving it a half an hour , Haneul portrait is finally completed.

“Is it done now?” Haneul asked, and Riki nodded closing his drawing book as he start packing his things.

“Can i see it?” Haneul asked again and Riki shook his head.

“No you can't see it yet . I will give you soon after i finish some touching to it” Riki explained and the girl lips turn into a small pouted.

“I promise i let you see it as soon as possible after it completely hundred percent finish. okay?” Riki reassuring her with his soft tone voice,

The girl nodded and point a pinky finger up to him. Without wasting any second he then link his pinky to her, as they just make a pinky promise.

“Your pinky finger is short” Riki blurt out making Haneul widen her eyes, and quickly hit him. She huffed and then folded her arms .

“How dare you point it out so bluntly...” The girl mumbled and Riki chuckled.

At this point,

He just confirmed his feeling.

That he like her... A lot.

But yet, he can't say it.

Not now..

He think..

“Riki, can i give you a nickname?”
Haneul asked,

Riki stare at her , giving it a thought before answering her.


“Ni-ki, i want to call you Ni-ki starting from today ^~^” she said and Riki eyebrow rose up after hearing the name.

“Why Ni-ki? It sounded like a girl name?” Riki said making Haneul dramatically gasp,

“Its not! Its sounded cute!!” Haneul debate , and Riki just nod his head while chuckling.

“How did you even come up with that name?”

“Ni is from your surname Nishimura , and Ki is from your name Riki” She explained , which Riki think it does make sense..

“Then can i give you a nickname too?”
Riki asked the same question back.

The girl happily nodded as he ask that.

“Lili, i want yo call you Lili”

“Why Lili?”

“I think its cute, and the idea of your nickname is based of your surname lee and Haneulie”

“I think Haneulie sound cute though? Why not use that?” Haneul asked,

“Just because”
Riki smiled .

Just because i think Lili suit you very well. Its cute, just like you Lee Haneul.

Haneulie is cute too, but it sounds so different to call you that. It feel awkward to me, that's why i didn't want to call you that.

Even though i actually want to named your nickname as Sora, i couldn't say it because you might think that im such a cliché boy.

But deep down in my heart ,

You're my Sora.

You're my Utsukushii Sora.


Here's an update for my lovely readers <3

Utsukushii = beautiful
Sora = sky

So.. Utsukushii Sora means Beautiful Sky (in Japanese) ^~^

I didn't know if its correct or not, but please do correct me if its wrong because all i did was searching meaning on google and do a bit of research hehe ><

Have a good day/night everyone 😙

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