twenty one

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The two end up cuddling at the rooftop, as they spend their whole day sky gazing, talking and laughing. Today seems to pass in a blink of eye, that they didn't realised how long have they been up here.

Both of them were so into each other warm, as they didn't want to move to any position after they end up cuddling. His warmth and her warmth, is so calm.

The blue sky then turns into a colour of warm and soft orange as the sun itself is ready to set away. They were watching the sunset in awe as it was a beautiful sight to see ever.

And after the sun has set, the two then decided to walk back their own room. Walking side by side and parts away as they walk to a different path to their room.

As Haneul reaches her room, she saw Dr. Kang inside her room, sitting patiently on one of the seat inside. She look at her while wondering..

"Haneul where have you been?"
Dr. Kang asked with a calm tones

"I was at the rooftop.."

"Alone or with accompany ?" She asked more,

"I was with Riki.." Haneul replied and Dr. Kang smiled as she nodded her head.

"If i ask you another question, will you be honest with me?" Dr Kang said and Haneul lift up her right eyebrow, looking at her dear doctor with curiosity.

"Its depend on your question, Dr.Kang"

"What do you think about Riki?"
Dr. Kang asked, which makes Haneul lips turn into a small smile. She then walk toward her bed and start explaining on how she thinks about him.

"I think Riki.. Is a good friend of mine. He always make me smile, and laugh in my bad days. He good at drawing, he have a good music taste and he is very kind. Even if he was a bit annoying with his tricks, and tease, i still want to be friend with him"

Haneul explained, with her lips that can't stop smiling because of the thought of Riki.

"I think he's more than a good friend to you" Dr Kang said and Haneul shook her head, denying it.

"H-he just a friend-

"Do you like him?" Dr. Kang asked cutting off the girl sentence.

Haneul face slowly turn into red . She didn't answer the question but Dr. Kang get it right away even just by looking at the girl expression that changing.

"So you do like him..

Okay last question, how will you describe Riki ?"

Haneul look down to her finger, as it was fidgeting. Her mind was very busy as she was thinking every moment she had with Riki, even if it was in small detail.

Small detail usually very special to her.

She smiled once again, before gathering her nerves to speak up.

"Riki, he was like a song that you heard a couple times and enjoyed it but then you hear it again and you think it was the best song you ever heard, like you already knew it existed but for some reason it really hits you that one time and you're like 'wow i wanna hear it again' and so you play it again and you think you're gonna play it once more but then you play it again and again and again.

You fall in love with the beat, you fall in love with the rhythm, you fall in love with the lyrics and everything about it. You can't get enough of it. Its constantly in your head and all you want is that song. And that is how i think its described Riki.

It was like , you know about that person for a while but one day it catches you off guard. Then you start talking to them which is like hitting play. And you wanna keep talking to them so you do, which is like putting it on repeat. Then you fall in love with their eyes, their smile, their personality and everything about them. You can't get enough of them. They're constantly in your head and all you want is that person. In conclusion, Riki was like a favourite song of mine"

Dr. Kang was so stunt and proud by hearing how pure and honest Haneul described Riki into a special detail . She was so happy hearing this.

"Haneul do you know what i realised?" Dr. Kang asked, which make Haneul hummed as a replied.

"You didn't like him.. " Dr Kang said, making Haneul face turns into a frowns and confusion. And before Haneul could answer, Dr. Kang continue talking.

"-But you love him"

Haneul was relieved hearing that but at the same time she couldn't believe that.

She knew she have feelings for him.

But she wasn't sure if she really in love with him. She wasn't sure about her feelings either . She didn't know how to confirm it at all because love is a big word to her.

"I know you're confused. But the way you describe him, you're totally in love with him. You may not realise it now but your heart have been wanting him everyday. Believe me, you love him"

Dr Kang is right.

"Why didn't i realise it??"
Haneul asked.

"Because love is blinding sometimes, when you're in love with that someone. All you could think is the happiness he brings to you, and every small detail that spark inside you. Its the only things that you will focused when its love, thats why its blinding"

"Should i tell him that i love him?"

Haneul asked and Dr Kang shrugged while smiling.

"Don't rush. Saying i love you wasn't that important, what's important is that you see him like how you describe him earlier. Love doesn't mean you have to say or shout i love you to the person you love, sometimes it take time to appreciate small thing they did to you. watching the moon together and more . i love you is just a simple eight letters, even if its give out a big meaning. But yeah, if both of you are ready to say it, then say it on a special day, or some day where it could be meaningful"

"Wow.. I didn't know you're such a love expert beside being a doctor" Haneul joked and Dr Kang blushed shyly.

"Yah, im just saying. And im not a love expert, im just really good with words and stuff" Dr Kang said and sighed when she look at her watch.

"I have to go now Haneul, please remember to take your medicine" Dr Kang said and about to leave but she stop mid ways before turning to face Haneul.

"You see.. If you love him, then prove it to him but of course not in a straight up way like saying 'i love you' to him so bluntly. Just you know, have a talk or whatever before its too late.."

Dr Kang says her last words, before leaving the room completely.

But she didn't understand what does Dr Kang mean by 'before its too late'.

She sighed, and look outside the window, smiling.

Now that its confirmed,

That I love him...

But it seems so difficult for me to say it to him ?

It just a simple eight letters,

Yet so hard to free it out from my lips.


I just realised this book reached 2k+ reads already ㅠㅠ THANK YOU SO MUCHH FOR READING THIS BOOK 💞✨

I thought this book was boring and slow but i didn't know that some of you willing to read it, so im very appreciate to all of my dear readers! 😻

Even though this book didn't get much of attention , it still make me very happy to see my notification saying someone just commented and vote for this book ><

Simple things like that make my day and even motivate me to write more 🤩

Thank you for supporting me and reading this book everyone!! <3 HAVE A GOOD DAY Y'ALL ❤️

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