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Another day, another air to breathe. Another day to be thankful for being alive, another day to see the beauty of earth and it was another day to live.

Literally everyday, Riki couldn't stop hanging out with Haneul. The two of them, today were hanging out at the hospital rooftop.

Laying down on a big table while their eyes stuck on sky gazing .

They were laying next to each other but it was so comfortable, they didn't feel weird as it was a normal thing for them.

"Haneul, do you know that Japanese people call another Japanese people by their surname instead of their name.. and they will only call their name when they got the permission to" Riki said out of the blue while eyes still on the sky.

"Well then, i remember i never got a proper permission from you to call you by your name. So do you still want me to call you Nishimura ?" Haneul asked and Riki turn to faced the opposite direction from Haneul as he screamed silently ,

Letting out all the uwus before turning back in a cool way, facing the sky.

"No, its fine, just call me Riki. Because i think, japanese people blushed a lot more when someone they love call them by their name instead of their surname-

"So you love me and did you blushed when i call you by your name everyday?" Haneul said cutting him mid-sentence, and that's when he realised what did he just said to her.

"Uhm.. Uh.. I- no, i didn't mean that way actually-

"Oh so you don't love me , that's what you mean?" Haneul scoffed , sitting up from her laying posture earlier and then folded her arms as her lips pouting.

Riki also sit up quickly and look at her face before starting to explain.

"..... i... i didn't mean like that.. i was just explaining things and it just slipped out from m-my lips and- OH MY GOD stop pouting!! you look so cute and i feel like wanna hug you so bad-"

Riki rambling and stopped as he realised what he's trying to say to her again. He shut his eyes tightly, inhaling the air deeply, literally feeling all the embarrassment coming inside him .





that!! #! #! #!! #


But then, a warm welcoming sensation hits him. He opened his eyes and realised Haneul is hugging him. Which make him blushed even harder inside and outside .

"Thank you Riki"
Haneul said-whispered in soft tone , as she hug Riki tighter. Snuggling into his neck, and close her eyes. His smell is very calming to her, how she wish she could stay in this position every day.

Riki himself didn't know why she was thanking him, it was a big question to him. He was thinking whether should he said 'it was my pleasure' or 'you're welcome' or say nothing.

After giving some thoughts, he decided to say nothing but hug her back.


It was silent, and only the soft wind blowing can be heard..


"But why are you thanking me for?"
Riki end up asking it as he was curious and thoughts couldn't stop running through his mind as if it was an important question that needed an answer right away.

"Just because i think you need to know that im thankful to have you" Haneul simply replied.

But actually, her simple thank you got a lots of meaning behind yet she couldn't say it out loud to him.

Thank you for always being there for me Riki.

Thank you for accompany me .

Thank you for being such a good friend to me.

Thank you for drawing a portrait of me .

Thank you for always waiting for me .

Thank you for all those bad days you make me smile.

Thank you for making me happy.

Thank you for everything, Nishimura Riki.

Even when you agreed when i said we are nothing more than a hospital friends,

I still wish we're more than that.

Do you know?

Do you know i like you?


Double update because i think chapter 19 is so short.. (but this chapter is also short though...) Sorry T^T

I promised i make a longer one in the next chapter hehe ⊂(・▽・⊂)

Have a good day/night everyone ❤️

(Please give this chapter a star ★  , your author here want to make her own galaxy)

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