twenty four

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It was 8 am, the usually time Haneul will wake up. She already clean herself, now she is waiting for Dr Kang to come and bring her a new medication and breakfast.

But, one thing is weird as she wake up.

She is feeling so so cold. It feels like the air is sending shivers deep to her bones, she doesn't know why she feeling like this, she do know its one of the effect from her disease,

But this time its really cold.

She look outside, and sighed. It's literally a bright sunny day, the blue sky is just so soft and bright, so why.

Why is she feeling like this. Even when she cover up with a hoodie and scarf around her neck, the feeling of cold still there.

Why is it so cold...?

She shook off the feelings as she heard a knock and door opened. She look up and saw, Dr Kang coming, but she also surprised to see Riki coming from behind.

"Morning Haneul" Both of them greets in unison, Haneul smile and decided to greet back.

"Morning Dr Kang and Riki.."

"Why are you all cover up ? Are you okay? " Dr Kang asked,

Haneul show her a small smile before replying,

"Im fine and its nothing , it just really cold" Haneul said, making Dr Kang look at her suspiciously.

As if its there's something wrong with Haneul behaviour.

"What are you doing here, Riki?" Haneul asked, trying to start a new conversation

but Dr Kang speak up,

"Oh he wanted to see you, so i brought him in. He been standing outside your room, for a few minutes, debating with himself whether he should come in or not. So i dragged him with me" Dr Kang explained while setting down Haneul breakfast.

Riki on the other side blushed,

Haneul chuckled and look at Riki, "Why didn't you just come in?" Haneul asked, and again, Dr Kang answer it for her.

"Apparently, he doesn't want to come inside without your permission. He said he want to respect your privacy or something" Dr Kang said and look at Riki with grinned.

Riki looked away as his cheek got heat. Hiding his embarrassed face.

"Oh really? That's so cute and funny of you, Riki" Haneul said and laughed,

"Okay i leave you two now, Haneul do finished your breakfast , and remember to take your medication. I will do some check up on you later " Dr Kang said, Haneul nodded and show a thumbs up to her,

With that Dr Kang have left.

"Sorry, but i really respect your privacy, so that is why i just couldn't come bursting inside randomly" Riki said making Haneul laugh, while she was eating her breakfast .

"Oh no, its totally fine. You can come in freely , you have my permission" Haneul said, smiling.

"You had always have my permission, you're always allowed to come in.. Here" Haneul muttered , staring deeply on Riki's eyes.

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