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ㅤ“How are you?” Heeseung asked with a sad tones in his voice . Dr Kang decided to left the room, to give some space and time for the lee siblings. Since she knew, the two rarely got a time to talk and spend time together.

“Im good today, how about you? mom? And dad?” Haneul replied and asked her brother the same question. Heeseung lips smile into thin lines, before he decides to speak.

“Well.. We all are doing perfectly good” Heeseung said simply, but his tones, seems not right to what Haneul have heard.

She didn't want to assume things. But, something in his voice, sounded not right. Just that. It sounded so fake, as if hes lying about something .

But again, Haneul didn't want to assume things.

“Im so glad to heard that.. ” Haneul said with a smile , and then look at her brother eyes dearly. She admitted it, she miss him a lot, and not forget to mention, she miss her parents too.

She's stuck at the hospital, and ever since, she never meet her parents.

Its been a month, since she last saw both of her parents.

Questions on her mind, like how are they? Have they took a good care of their health? Did they get enough rest? Are they still smiling ? Do they look happy? Why didn't they visit me?

She miss them.

But what can she do? She can't even left this place at all.

“How is your school life goes?” Haneul then asked another question with her eyes still locked on her brother eyes.

“Its kinda okay, i guess? I got to meet my friends, and learn many things too. I have upcoming exam too, but i think i manage to pass it”

“Oh then , i wish you a good luck. Don't force yourself to study too much, and remember to always take a rest when you need it. Study smart not hard okay?” Haneul assured, and Heeseung chuckle, hearing how much his sister care for him.

And its making him emotional.

“Also, don't skip meals. Make sure to drink at least 8 glass of water, a day. You need to stay hydrated, to have fresh, and active mind and energy. So you could study in peace” Haneul added,

Heeseung then nodded.

“You nagged at me more than mom” Heeseung joked and Haneul widen her eyes, before hitting playfully on her brother arm.

“Im not nagging!! Im basically give you advices tch” Haneul pouted and folded her arms, making Heeseung laughed.

Haneul look at her brother laughing, its calm and melt her. She smiled and laughed along with him.

She miss this.

Just by seeing him smiling, make her day.

“So how is your treatment going?” Heeseung asked as he stop laughing, and instead a warm smiles shown on his lips.

But Haneul smile immediately disappear hearing the question coming from her brother . She really hate that question the most.

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