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ㅤThe sound of monitor beeping can be heard. It was the only sound that can be hear inside this darkness.

The darkness room where Haneul were trapped. Where it was all quiet, turn out the monitor beeping was the first sound she can heard.

Then, out of sudden the bright light came to the dark room again. Haneul didn't know what to do, she want to scream but her voice were gone.

She tried to move her hand.

She tried.. To move her hand..

She tried... And it move!

She can open and close her palm, she can move her finger and she can lift her hand.

In the room of darkness, the light came again.


Its white! Its miracle! Miracle help me again!!

She thought and believed.


With that, slowly..

Her eyes open, to only see the bright sunlight coming from outside her room. This time, she meet the reality once again . She feels so relieved as she successfully leave the darkness room-

Or the worst nightmare she thought...

Finally.. she feel the warmth of her room again, she see the sun blinding from outside again, and most important, she can finally see the soft blue sky again...

She can't explain how much she miss this feeling.

She miss everything inside her room,

But she hate the fact that her body were attached with different wires, and injection. She hate to see how her state look like right now,

It makes her feel weak.

She look weak,

She dislike it..

She hate it..

The sudden sound of door open, caught her off guard. She try to move, or open her mouth to speak but she feels so weak, like she had no energy at all.

She end up just laying there on her hospital bed, feeling helpless that she can't do anything. As if that paralysed feeling she had in the nightmare were bring out to the reality.

“Oh my gosh!! Haneul you awake!!!!!” Scream Dr. Kang as she came to Haneul room, to check on her.

And today seems to be the day, Haneul awake.

Haneul just smile , because she can't do anything. Only her fingers , lips, and eyes that can be move.

“How are you feeling?” Dr. Kang asked quickly as she open her book to write down Haneul check up ,

But she only earned a silent treatment from Haneul..

She wondered why.. Until it hits her.

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