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# go stream ive eleven bcs
its the chapter eleven hehe :p


ㅤThe drive were silent, as Haneul suddenly want Hala to drive to her parents place. There still lots of place Hala want to bring Haneul actually, but after what Hala told Haneul, Haneul couldn't think straight as her mom was the important thing she want to see right now.

Haneul feels so sad now, moreover, she remembered her last conversation with her brother clearly . And it hurt her everytime she remembered every words he said.

Nothing hurt more than being lied to.

“How are you?” Heeseung asked.

“Im good today, how about you? mom? And dad?” Haneul replied and asked her brother the same question.

“Well.. We all are doing perfectly good” Heeseung said simply.

His words keep replaying on her mind, again and again.

we all are doing perfectly good”

He lied to her.

And she knew it, that there were something wrong with his tones that day. Her assumption were right. But why didn't she trust her guts? It was correct she didn't want to make such a false assumption, but turns out, she were right.

Her assumption were always correct.

But why.

Why its so hard to trust it?

“He lied to me..” Haneul mumbled, with tears falling from her eyes.

“I think he have his reason, Haneul”

“Of course, every lies have its reason” Haneul replied sarcastically, but Hala clearly notice the pain in her voice.

She just sighed,

this is not what she planned.

She planned to have fun with Haneul, to make her happy. Not making her sad.


Hala parked her car outside Haneul's house. And without wasting more time , Haneul step out the car and rush inside the house.

She burst inside the house, and were shock to see her father and Heeseung at the living room, along with their mother.

They were laughing, and watching a movie together .

“Mom? Dad?” Haneul speak up,

then both of her parents turns to look at her in surprised. Including Heeseung, he also surprised to see Haneul at their home.

“Haneul dear...”

“Momm...” Haneul then burst into crying as she saw her mother condition. Hala weren't lying that she look pale and tired.

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