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Well can you.. draw me too?” Haneul asked spontaneously , and Riki just stare at her. Didn't know what to say, as if he was stuck in between his thousands words.

He couldn't just told her straight away , that he already draw so many of her candid poses, it would be so embarrassing and awkward to him.

He look away, and quickly drink his remaining coke to avoid Haneul stares .

“Its fine if you don't have time on drawing me—

Haneul said but Riki quickly cut her off,

“No! I mean.. Yes, i can draw you” Riki said, before gathering his nerves to look straight on Haneul face. Haneul creep a smile, and fully face him.

“Then draw a potrait of me” Haneul says calmly, and Riki swear his heart could burst anytime as Haneul stare at him like that.

Which, her eyes looks so dazzling and so shining,, its so beautiful to him . Her brownish oval eyes, shine so soft and aesthetically pleasing . Her eyes looks , so deep, so deep that he could drown in it.

He couldn't even look Haneul straight in the eyes, he could look everywhere, but except her eyes.

“Sure, a potrait...” Riki said nervously.

“Tell me, when you're going to draw me. After all, its your energy that im asking to draw the potrait of me” Haneul said, making Riki heart melts.

He loves how caring and thoughtful she is.

“Actually we can draw you now, maybe somewhere, where you could sit face to face in front of me-

Riki says, but Haneul cut him mid sentences.

“Lets go to my room then” Haneul simply said, making a pinkish colour blushed on Riki's cheek. He didn't expect she would suggest him to draw at her room.

And after giving some thoughts, Riki agreed to go her room.

Room 143, Haneul's room.

They were now sitting facing each other, whereas Haneul seated on her bed and Riki is sitting in front of her. Since Haneul is facing the window, which was behind Riki, the light seemed to beam ravishing on her.

Its makes the drawing a bit easier to Riki, as the natural light capture perfectly on her face . Every features on her, look so clear.

Riki start drawing the cross lines first before he start measuring the eyes, and face shape. Riki wasn't so good in drawing a potrait of someone, but for her, he would give his best.

Drawing a potrait wasn't easy for him, to make it look real like the real person of the potrait would took him lots of times, its either 4-5 hours or 1-2 days.

As Riki was so concentrate in drawing her eyes, Haneul suddenly let out a chuckled, making Riki scrunched his eyebrows while looking at her.

“You look different when you're so focused” Haneul said.

“How different was it?” Riki asked out of curiosity and stop drawing as he lift his head, to look at her.

Haneul laugh a bit at Riki behaviour.

“Just different. Your eyes looked so sharp, when you're focusing on something, but it looked so loving and caring when you talk to me” Haneul said, while smiling.

“Ohh... do i look scary when I'm focused?” Riki asked another question , as he continues drawing.

Haneul hummed and tap her chin, thinking.

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