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Everyday there's always hopes and wishes have made, and today, Riki wish that someone will walk out from the room 143 as he pass it.

He been doing that for almost everyday, and even get a chance to see Haneul condition. But it was only once as Dr. Kang bring him inside.

And the next day after that, he continue waiting outside like usual because he promise himself he wouldn't go inside the girl room without permission..

He let out a heavy sighed, and get into the elevator, and then push the button to the floor where the room located.

Reaching the floor , he then make his way on walking pass the door of room 143,

Until the door he headed suddenly open..

Revealing the dear girl he wanted to meet, he wanted to see and the only person he wanted to talk.

Lee Haneul.

And just like that, his dear wish came true.

He stopped at his track as his eyes struck on her beauty , it was like how he usually would do as it was the first thing that shine the most on her.

“Riki!” shout the girl happily when she saw him, without wasting more time, she went right away towards him.

Riki didn't utter any words since he didn't knew if it was his dream or his hallucination seeing the girl for the first time again after for so.. long..

“Since when did you use crutches?” Haneul asked, and this time, Riki finally snapped out from his thoughts.

“Well not for so long- i got my cast open 3 days ago” Riki said and the girl nodded with her lips turning to 'O'

“Oh that's mean your legs are fully healed by the time now..? ” The curious girl asked.

Riki shook his head chuckling at the curious girl who's looking lowkey cute to him. He smiled a bit before answering her,

“Ah nooo, my legs still a bit hurt that i still couldn't walk properly, so that's why im using this crutches as the hold and to practice walking .. so that i won't fall.. ”

“Why? Scared of falling.... For me?” Haneul bluntly asked, with a sheepishly smile plastering her face.

Riki then coughed out of sudden, as he choke by his own saliva after hearing the girl, joke.

“Oh my God Riki, are you okay??”

“Y-yeah yeahh... Im fine, don't worry.. ”

In the inside, Riki slowly punching himself in embarrassment, for coughing so sudden.

Then silence eat the two up,

Until Riki decided to break the silence himself..

“Haneul, what should i do with the meaning of your name?”

Riki asked,

“You find the meaning already?”

“I did, it doesn't even took me a day-”

He stopped, and soft red tinted appeared on his cheek,

He clear his throat  ,

“Yeah i find the meaning already”

“Well follow me then”

Haneul said smiling as she start walking away, Riki had no choice but to follow her since he really want to know why the girl asked him to find the meaning of her name.


The cold air brushed calmly onto Riki face as he breathe so peacefully up here. The hospital rooftop is so beautiful to him , it got a small garden, and benches.

But, nobody was up here when Haneul bring Riki there.

So its very beautiful to him, he thinks.

Since it was just the two of them.

He like it very much,

The two then walk to one of the benches, and took a seat next to each other. With their shoulders brushing each other as they sit a bit too close.

Yet they remained unbothered about it.

“So... What are we doing here?” Riki asked.

“You asked what should we do with the meaning of my name, so here it is” Haneul said, and Riki look at her with his eyebrow rose up.

“So the meaning of your name is happen to do with the ... Rooftop?”

Riki blankly asked making Haneul chuckled while shooking her head,

“Nooo, i mean - What is the meaning of my name?” She asked

“Your name mean, sky”

“Yes that's the point Riki”

She said, making Riki look at her with even more confused face.

“I don't get it” Riki said, and Haneul just smile.

“You see Riki.. Haneul mean sky.. So everytime you miss me, look at the sky.. Everytime you need someone to talk, talk to the sky. Everytime you need someone to accompany you, just look up in the sky whether its day or night. Sky is the most favourite thing of mine , so just in case, if im no longer here.. I'll be the only sky you known and you see everyday..”

Haneul explained to him,

“Oh i get it! so the reason we are at the rooftop was to see the sky! And since your name itself meaning sky!!” Riki happily said as he finally get what Haneul trying to implied.

But then he stop smiling as he recall back on the girl words ,

“What do you mean by, just in case you are no longer here?” Riki asked

“Who knows if i get discharge first , or you first ? Who knows we never meet again and lost contact ? You also know we both are nothing more than hospital friends.. So just incase, we never meet again.. i want to be the only sky you known”


Hospital friends..

“Lee Haneul, you are the only sky i will known, and will be. There will be no other sky that i will have my eyes on , it will be only you and just you, so do not worry.. ”

You are the most beautiful sky to me, Lee Haneul.

How could i look to the galaxy?

If the sky you are already look like one to me..?

You are all, Lee Haneul.

Sky, Galaxy and Whole Universe.

To me, i believe all was you.

So tell me, how could i look at the other thing?

When my eyes set only for you?

You are everything,

You are ;

My only sky.


Happy new year everyone! I hope you all have the greatest, bestest and the most beautiful year this 2022!!!! Above all, i wish you guys in a good health the most <3

Also, im so sorry for not updating lately :(( but im here now!! so i will continue updating this book before school started again huwaaaaaa ㅠㅠ

Anw have a good day and night loves ❤️

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