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Walking happily into the hospital, Riki nervously but excited to meet Haneul again after he have discharged yesterday.

Holding the bouquet of flowers, forget-me-nots, and white and yellow chrysanthemum together, tight and so secure.

He hold it with his wide smile, like a proud boyfriend would do. Without actually knowing what's it even mean behind.

Wanting to see Haneul always have raised his heatbeat, not matter what, he have always so nervous but feel so comfort when he's around her.

Its feels like the two of them were soulmate.

That meant for each other.

He smile alone, thinking about wanting to asked her out, at the same time wanting to make her as his girlfriend, to make their relationship official.

As he reached in front of the room 143, he nervously stand outside. Clearing his throat, fixing his hair, and inhale the last breath to calm himself before walking in.

He then,

Knock on the door, and opened it with a wide smile. To only dropped when he saw no one in the room, and at the same time the room is clean without any of her belonging.

The bed are fixed, the bedsheet are changed, its neat but to his surprised, why are there flowers petals shattered on her bed?

“Did she changed room? Well then, i should go asked the nurse. Or the receptionist” Riki said, shrugging but chuckled a bit since he think, Haneul is playing game with him.

As he was about to go out, there he saw Dr Kang, leaning at the entrance door. Looking at him with sadness in her eyes.

“Nishimura, what are you doing here?”

“Dr Kang hii ! Well i uh, im visiting Haneul. But It seems like she changed room, do you know where she is?”

Dr Kang look at Riki, that asking so happily. She didn't want to ruin his day by telling him the truth, so she smiled warmly at him.

“She indeed change her room, but its kinda far from here. Follow me” Dr Kang said, going to the elevator with Riki following her behind.

Riki didn't know, but its so weird to him that, the elevator didn't go any upstairs floor but instead it going down to the lobby.

The elevator then make a ding sound as they reach the lobby, Dr Kang then walk out with Riki still following her,

And he stop walking, when they reached at the parking lot.

“Where are we going Dr Kang?” Riki asked, watching the doctor getting inside her car.

Dr Kang sighed, “You want to meet Haneul or not?”

“I mean i do but where..”

“Do you trust me or not?” Dr Kang speak up sternly making Riki gulped and nodded, and eventually get inside her car.

Riki didn't ask any further question, and stay quiet in this whole silent rides. He was curious, he want to asked questions, but he's hesitating.

After 30 minutes rides,

✓ room 143. [ni-ki]Where stories live. Discover now