Chapter One

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A/N: Hello and welcome! As you can see from the title, this is a Steve Rogers x OC story. I'm not sure how frequently I'll upload since I have other stories I'm writing in an addition to this one. Please enjoy!

The water was turning cold as Brianna squeezed more soap onto the sponge. She had under estimated the pile of dishes in the sink. She didn't think it was going to take her that long to finish them. Boy had she been wrong. Who knew two children could accumulate so many dishes?

"Well," Brianna told her step mom as she brought down a pile of blankets. "I hope none of them were planning on taking a shower. It's going to take a while before the water heats back up. And go sit down! I've got this."

Laura put her hands on her hips. "I'm pregnant. Not incapacitated."

"I know, but I'm here. To help. So let me." She negotiated. "So, dad' don't know anything about us?"

"Not a thing. Part of the deal when your dad joined SHIELD. He wanted to protect all of us." Laura confirmed.

"This is going to be interesting." Brianna mumbled under her breath.

The sounds of little feet running up the front porch stairs made it known that her little brother and little sister were about to run inside and potentially mess up the almost clean house. The young woman ran to the door to stop them. As soon as they swung open the screen door they were greeted with their sister's mischievous smile.

"First. Shoes off and in the shoe holder. Second. Go clean your rooms. If it's perfect than I'll make a pie. Okay?" She asked.

"Okay!" The children shouted.

The running commenced as they leaped up the stairs to go to their rooms. Brianna looked around. It was as clean as it was going to get she supposed. There wasn't much that could be done with a few hours notice. Brianna Edith Barton was the twenty three year old daughter of the infamous Agent Clint Barton. Her parents had met when they were sixteen. Had her when they were seventeen. By the time she was one, they had broken up.

Her mom started nursing school and her father, well her father had no idea what he wanted to do with is life. All he knew was that he had to do something to help provide for his daughter. Clint was only ever good at one thing. Archery. So, he had begun to teach archery. It didn't bring in a large amount of money, but it was something. Their lives would changed with a man with an eyepatch approached her dad about a job.

It was tough having your dad as an agent. Brianna would worry constantly. She would rarely see him in the beginning. Her mother was working night shift as the hospital leaving her dad's mom, Grandma Edith to take care of her. Everything changed again when her dad met Laura. Brianna adored Laura. She would constantly beg her dad to marry her and when he finally did, she was overjoyed. Then Cooper and Lila were born.

Her mom had also gotten married to her step dad and had a few children of her own. She was nineteen when Loki invaded Earth. Before that, no one knew who her dad was. After that day, everyone knew who he was. The burden of keeping his family a secret was harder than ever. Brianna had every intention to apply at SHIELD. She wanted to follow in her dad and Aunt Natasha's shoes. Then Hydra happened and that fucked her plans up.

That brought her to present day. She knew how time consuming her dad's job could be. That was why she moved back to her dad's house briefly while Laura prepared to have their child. She didn't mind helping and she enjoyed spending time with her brother and sister. Her father had called Laura an hour ago informing her that the Avengers needed a place to settle down while the repercussions from whatever mission they were on simmered down.

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