Chapter Twenty One

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When you were the child of two parents that had either separated or divorced, holidays could be a complicated time. It was no different for Brianna no matter how hard her parents tried. Once she was eighteen she made the decision to flip flop which holidays she spent with each side of her family. This year she would be spending Thanksgiving with her mom's side. It also be the first major holiday she spent with Steve.

Thanksgiving on her mom's side was intense. No one did Thanksgiving like them. Her mom was the middle child of five kids and all of her siblings had kids with the exception of her youngest brother. It made for a very full, loud house. She had promised her mom that she would arrive slightly early to her grandparents house so she could help get things ready.

"You need to bring a change of clothes." Brianna told Steve as he packed. They had just moved into his room together a few weeks ago.

Steve looked down at his pants with his dress hurt tucked in. "I do?"

"Mhm." She said while she threw her own pair of tennis shoes, pants and a t shirt into the bag.

"May I ask why?"

She smirked at him. "You'll see."

"I don't like that look on your face."

"It's a family secret. Kind of like a rite of passage." She explained without giving too much away.

"Like a hazing?" He asked.

"Not that intense." She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "You'll be okay. I promise. Everyone is going to love you."

Her words were true. Everyone was going to adore Steve. Her mom's side of the family had never met a person they didn't like. Her grandparents house wasn't too far away. Maybe a twenty minute drive into the country. They had invited Steve and her to spend the night, but she politely declined. A few hours spent with them was going to be more than enough.

She could tell Steve was nervous by the way he kept rubbing his hands along his pants. It was the first time he met any woman's family besides her parents and that made him a little uneasy. The driveway to her grandparents house was a long, winding one, but once they got past the trees it revealed a house. Well, more like a mansion. Steve had never seen a house that big before. It had to be at least three stories tall and seemed to span on forever.

"You didn't tell me they were...well off." Steve said surprised.

"You didn't ask." She said with a teasing tone while they got out of the car. "My grandfather's family was in the oil business, but don't ask about it unless you want a hundred years of family history. None of us will receive a dime when they pass away though, not that matters of course. They wanted their kids and grandchildren to work hard so all the money will be donated to various charities."

Just as she finished, the front door opened revealing her mother with a flour coated apron. "Brianna! Steve! I'm so happy you could come."

"Hey, mom." Brianna said with a smile while wrapping her mom in a hug.

Her mom then turned to hug Steve. "Well, come in. Everyone is so excited you're here, Steve."

"Well, I'm happy I was invited." Steve said and shot Brianna a worrisome look causing her to giggle.

Inside the house was just as chaotic as Brianna had described. People, children everywhere. It was loud and rambunctious. There were group of people in every single room, all who barely paid any attention to Steve. The large kitchen was towards the back of the house that also opened into the living room. An older woman, that he assumed was Brianna's grandmother, was first to notice the couple.

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