Chapter Ten

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A/N: I am so sorry if the next few chapters aren't great. Steve Rogers is one of the hardest characters to write for in my opinion. I'm a having a bit of a hard time, but it's okay. I'll get there.

"You look tired." Was the first thing Brianna's mother, Claire, told her as they sat down for breakfast in the city.

While the statement was true, that wasn't exactly the first sentence she wanted to hear from her mom after not seeing her for a while. The first week of training had kicked Brianna's ass. That was an understatement actually. Steve and Natasha warned her that it would be tough, especially in the beginning. She wasn't used to the constant training yet. However, despite how tiring it was, it was still fun.

Brianna was close to both her parents. In her early years she spent most of the time with her mom since her dad was always on missions. He usually saved up his vacation time and in the summer when she off of school they would take a trip somewhere. When she turned eighteen she decided to move in with her dad and Laura. It didn't mean she never saw her mom. She did.

She, as well as her dad, made sure she was always in touch with her control freak mother. The woman needed to be medicated. It was probably why she made the perfect nurse. She was organized. Meticulous. And a great mom. The one thing she didn't like about her mother was that didn't want her daughter to do something she loved. She didn't want her to a SHIELD agent. She most certainly didn't want her to be an Avenger.

It was too dangerous. Too risky. Too many long hours. You can imagine Claire's reaction when Brianna told her that she was training to be an Avenger. She had never seen steam come out of someone's ears before, but that day she swore she did.

"Thanks mom." Brianna said as she eye the menu.

"They're not working you too hard, are they?" Her mom asked, her voice full of concern.


"No. They're not. I promise." Brianna lied.

"You do look happy though. Very happy." Claire said.

Brianna closed the menu after deciding on French toast to eat. "I am. It's been a lot of fun. I like getting to know everyone. Um, there is something I need to tell you, but you can't freak out."

"Why would I freak out?" She asked.

"Because it's kind of a big deal." Brianna took a deep breath in. "Steve Rogers asked me on a date. Tonight. At seven."

Claire tried her to best to restrain herself from jumping up and down form excitement. She threw her arms around her daughter and squeezed her tightly. "My baby girl is going on a date!"

"Mom...I've been on a date before."

"I know, but not since you were in high school. I mean, you're twenty three. At your age I already had a six year old."

"I thought you didn't want me to be a teen mom?"

"Oh, I didn't. It didn't mean I didn't want you to be in a relationship. Have you even had sex before?" Her mom asked.

Brianna groaned. "I'm so sorry that I was essentially a hermit crab. It's hard when your dad was an agent and you couldn't tell people what he actually did. And yes, I've had sex before. Can we please change the subject? I'm nervous."

"Why are you nervous? You're beautiful, Brianna. And smart. And kind. You have a way with helping people when they're down or confused. Steve Rogers would be lucky to be with someone like you."

"But he's Captain America and dad would kill me if he found out."

"Then why did you say yes when he asked you?" Her mom inquired.

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