Chapter Thirty

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Prison was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She certainly didn't expect it to be a pleasant experience, but it was lonesome. It made you think about things. Brianna didn't know exactly where they were. She knew it was in the middle of the ocean somewhere in a prison called the Raft. It was where they send the most dangerous criminals. It was a fun time word, criminals. Brianna didn't feel like one. She felt like someone who stood up for what they believed in.

She didn't know how long they had been in prison for. Days. Weeks. She wondered how her mother was. How Laura was. How her siblings were coping. There was talk that Scott and her father would get deals since they had families, but the rest of them were going to rot in prison for who knew how long. A tiny glimmer of hope came only a day after they were all brought to the Raft. When Tony emerged from the shadows, she thought he was there to tell them they were free to go. However, he only wanted to know where Steve and Bucky had went. That was the last time she saw them.

Brianna was curled up in the corner of her cell. Her head was resting against the cold wall when alarms started to blare all around them. She didn't know what the alarms meant. It obviously wasn't good, but there was nothing they could do. They just got to sit there unless some guard came down. She heard yelling. That was what peaked her interest. She slowly stood up and walked to the entrance of her cell.

When she saw Steve standing there, bruises on his face, she almost fell to her knees. She watched as he typed in something on the data pad. The doors all opened suddenly and she ran to him. She felt her body collide with him and heard him chuckle. Steve brought a hand to her hair and held her close.

"I'm sorry, Brianna." He whispered.

She looked up at him with tearful eyes. "It's okay. How did you-"

"I'll explain later. We need to get out of here." He told everyone.

Clint and Scott remained in their cells and Brianna knew that if they went with them, they wouldn't see their kids again. Her dad looked at her with sad eyes. They were going to have to say goodbye and neither one of them knew when they would see each other again.

"Can I have a minute?" Brianna asked.

Steve nodded. He wasn't going to let Brianna not tell her dad goodbye. She walked over to her dad slowly who also seemed to have tears in his eyes.

"Well," Clint's voice broke. "It looks like it's time for my little birdie to leave the nest."

"Dad..." she trailed off.

"I know. You don't want me to get all sappy. Just, be careful, okay? We're going to figure this all out. I will see you again." He explained before pulling her into a hug. "I love you, Bri."

"I love you too, dad." She mumbled into his shoulder. "Tell mom-"

"I will." When Clint drew back, he walked over to Steve and extended his hand. "Take care of her, okay?"

"You have my word, Clint. Thank you for helping me." Steve promised.

Brianna knew if she didn't turn around in that instance, she wouldn't be able to leave her dad. It killed her with every step she took towards the quinjet. She didn't know when she would see the family that she loved so dearly again. She was thankful for the freedom, but she was now about to become a criminal on the run. It was not the life she imagined for herself.

Inside the quinjet, Steve had managed to grab some spare clothing for all of them. Walking around in a prison uniform wouldn't be the best idea. It was just a pair of skinny jeans, boots and a tank top that she liked to wear. She had no idea where they were going and she didn't want to ask. She just wanted a moment to herself, to think. When Steve sat next to her, she didn't even look at him.

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