Chapter Seven

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"That was the last bag." Clint told his daughter as he placed her suitcase in the trunk of the Uber.

It was moving day for Brianna. She had had to wait a few weeks for the Avengers compound to be fully built before she was able to move in and officially start training to be an Avenger. She couldn't be more ecstatic. She was slightly sad about moving out from living at both of her parents' houses, but it was time. She was an adult and she could do it. Besides, she was only 45 minutes away from her dad and 30 minutes from her mom. It wasn't like she was moving hours and hours away.

"You be careful, okay?" Clint added.

She shot her dad a reassuring smile. "I will be. Promise."

He leaned down and wrapped his arms around her tightly. Saying goodbye was something he was used to. He had done it her entire life whether it was for a mission or if it was her mom's turn to have her. It still was never easy. He was proud of her though. So damn proud. It had been her dream since she was young to be like her dad and now was her chance. He wanted her to be even better than him, but he wouldn't utter that out loud.

"Text me when you get settled. If you need anything, you can call. Make sure you talk to your mom too. She's worried sick about you." Clint said.

"I know. I've already gotten many calls from mom. I just hope I make you both proud." Brian admitted.

"Hey," he said and placed his hands on either one of her shoulders. "I'm always proud of you. Now go kick some ass."

"Bye dad." Brianna said before climbing in the Uber.

The ride to the compound was smooth. When they actually got to the compound was a different story. The security was intense given the amount of the weapons and technology that laid behind the doors. She had to show her regular idea and her Avengers Compound ID. The security guards even checked the car for any weapons or explosives. Once they were cleared, the driver was able to go inside.

They stopped in front of a large pair of double doors and the driver helped get her bags out of the trunk. After that she was on her own. She luged the giant suit out and two duffle bags thrown over her shoulders and began to walk inside the building. The door swung open and Steve came into view.

"Need some help?" He asked as he watched Brianna struggle with her bags.

Brianna looked at her bags and then back at Steve. She didn't want him to see her as meek, but he was offering. "Um, sure. Thank you."

He took the suitcase and one of the bags from her. He could have carried it all, but he didn't like to show off his strength. The inside of the compound was absolutely beautiful. Whoever had designed it, she assumed Tony, did an amazing job. It was airy and light and modern. Somehow, she was going to have to try and memorize the layout.

"Know where you're going?" Steve asked.

"Absolutely not." She answered.

"Well, I suppose it's good that I do. Just follow me." He told her. "How's the new baby? Nathaniel, right?"

"Yes, Nathaniel. He's absolutely adorable. He looks different everyday."

Steve could see her whole face light up when she started talking about her little brother. "You like being an older sister?"

"I do. It's the best. Did you ever have any siblings?" She asked curiously.

"No. Both of my parents died when I was quite young. There was really no opportunity for them to have more."

Brianna regretted asking. His face had fallen. He looked so sullen. Even if his parents had both lived to see their son grow up, they most likely would have been dead when he came out of the ice. Either way he would have lost them. "I'm sorry, Steve. I can't imagine how hard that was."

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