Chapter Twenty Eight

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Bucharest, Romania

Brianna was glad they had chosen to utilize one of the quinjets to take them to London for the funeral. If they hadn't, she would be without her arrows and uniform. It would be the first time she wore the uniform that had been specially designed for her. It felt wrong to be wearing it somehow. She ran her finger over the Avengers emblem that had been sewn into the sleeve. Was she even an Avenger anymore since she didn't sign the Accords?

The question caused her to swallow dryly as Sam landed the quinjet a few blocks from where Bucky had been supposedly staying. She slipped her arrow holder over her torso and began to follow behind the two men. Trying not to get noticed by people when you were dressed not so inconspicuously was a challenge. She was sure people were already calling the police, notifying them of the three Avengers, even if they stuck to the alleys and shadows.

Steve stopped outside of Bucky's supposed apartment. "I want you two on the roof of the building. Stay in communications."

"Got it, Cap." Sam said. Brianna, however, remained right where she stood. Sam glanced back at her curiously, but got the memo that she wanted a moment alone with him.

"Promise me you'll be careful?" She asked.

Steve could see the concern in her eyes. "I will, but don't worry. He knows me."

"I hope you're right, Steve." She told him before turning on her heel to follow Sam.

He was able to fly up to the top, but she didn't have that option. Once she reached the top of the building she pulled her bow out of the belt on her side and pressed a button so it sprang open. Sam stood next o her while Redwing did surveillance.

"Damnit." He hissed.

"What's wrong?" She asked alarmed.

"I thought we would have more time." He pressed his fingers to the com. "Heads up, Cap. German Special Forces, approaching from the south."

Brianna pulled an arrow from the quiver, readying herself.

"Understood." Steve replied back.

She could see them approaching now. There had to be at least a dozen, maybe more. They were closing in fast.

"They've set the perimeter." Sam said.

"I'll try and slow them done." She pulled back on the string and found her target. The arrow hit one of the soldiers, electrocuting him. She didn't want to kill anyone. She just wanted to stop them from getting to Steve and Bucky. The door leading up to the roof busted open and Brianna turned around. She pulled another arrow out and fired it. "Go, Sam! I'll keep them busy."

Sam didn't like the plan, but he agreed. "They're on the roof. I'm compromised."

She watched from the corner of her eye as Sam launched his wings and flew away. She was outnumbered, but it didn't matter. She just had to keep them from getting to Steve. She heard a commotion, she figured gunfire, in the building below her. More soldiers piled onto the top of the building. She thought she had the upper hand up until that point.

She began to back up toward the edge of the building. She didn't even look before she jumped off. She just pulled an arrow out and aimed the edge of the building. A grappling hook came shooting out of the end of the arrow and it caught her target. It jerked her to a stop, causing a small amount of pain. Sirens were all around here as she felt her feet hit the ground.

"Stopp oder wir werden schießen!" A soldier shouted in German. She didn't know exactly what he said, but she did know what a gun cocking sounded like.

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