Chapter Twelve

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A/N: I apologize for the short chapter!

Brianna knew mostly everyone would be asleep by the time she got back to the compound. She was hopeful that they would be asleep at least. She didn't want to answer question. She knew there would be some when she showed back up without Steve. She didn't want to leave him standing on the curb, but she needed space and he needed to think about his priorities.

She didn't head straight to her room like she should have. Instead, she opted to rummage through the freezer for therapy in the form of food. Ice cream to be more specific. She searched for a few minutes before letting out an annoyed sound. How was there no ice cream? They had everything, but no ice cream.

"What the fuck." She whispered to herself.

"Looking for the ice cream?" Sam called out, in the dark, again.

Brianna jumped slightly and turned to look at him. He was sitting at the table with a bowl and the ice cream container in front of him. "You've got to stop doing that!"

He chuckled. "Sorry. Aren't you suppose to be out with Steve?"

She didn't say anything. She just shot him a look and went to get a bowl and spoon for herself.

"Okay. Say no more." He told her as she sat down across from him. He watched as she put scooped three scoops of it into a her bowl. "That bad, huh?"

"That bad." She confirmed.

It wasn't that bad. She actually had enjoyed herself up until the end.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Sam asked.

"There's not much to talk about. He's not over Peggy Carter. I don't know if he'll ever be over her." She simply told him.

"Ah, I see. I can see how that would cause a problem. You've got to be...gentle with him, though. I mean, he's been through a lot. This is all new to him."

"I understand that, but I don't want to get my heartbroken. No one does."

"I don't think Steve is the heart breaker type of guy. You should talk to him though. Instead of sulking."

Brianna narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm not sulking."

"Brianna, you're stuffing your face full of ice cream."

"So are you."

Sam chuckled. "True. I'm just saying, give him a chance. Talk to him. Maybe he has a problem with pretty girls."

"You think I'm pretty?" She asked with a teasing tone. "I'm touched."

"I retract my statement."

"So, you think I'm ugly?"

"Yes. Horribly grotesque." He told her. "Just, talk to him. Okay?"

"I will. When I've had time to think."

Brianna did not speak to Steve for two days. It sounded petty. It probably was. However, she wanted to think and wanted to give him time to think. It was early in the morning when she found herself in the training room. She had run through several fighting simulations and decided to brush up on her archery skills. It was quiet. The sun was beaming through the giant windows, warming up the room.

She knew better than to assume that she would be alone. The compound was full of people and she didn't exactly own the place. She was still irritated when the door opened. She needed the peace. She didn't want to listen to Tony and Bruce bicker. She didn't want to watch Wanda and Vision flirt. She didn't need Sam patronizing her anymore than he already was.

She turned towards the door, arrow aimed to the side of whomever was about to come inside. As soon as she saw their head, she released the arrow and it landed to the side of Steve's head. Steve? Oh, shit, Steve. She instantly dropped the bow to her side and gaped at him. "S-Sorry."

"I guess I should knock before I enter?" He questioned with an almost impressed smile.

"You just...surprised me." She trailed off.

Steve was quiet for a moment. The awkwardness was thick in the air. He wasn't there to talk about their date though. There was something else he needed to discuss with her. "I have a mission for you. Well, Sam, you and me."

"You think I'm ready?" She asked.

"It's easy. It's more like a stakeout. Watching movements." He walked closer to her and held a tablet up. "We're tracking this guy, Crossbones. He used to be SHIELD, well Hydra. They've been robbing various banks, hospitals. We can't tell what his end goal is."

"Let me guess, you want to find out?"

"Exactly. Last known location is in Spain. Valencia, Spain to be exact. It's a port city which means-"

"Which means, it's easier to move things and people in and out without questions. Weapons to be more exact." She finished his sentence.

"Exactly. You learn fast." Steve said.

She smiled slightly. "I try too."

"Natasha told me you also speak Spanish which could be helpful. We would need to keep a low profile. Don't engage unless absolutely necessary."

"Low profile?" She asked with a raised an eyebrow. "No offense, but Captain America tends to attract attention."

"I've got that covered. Don't worry. So, are you interested?"

"Heck yeah I'm interested." She said excitedly.

"Good. We leave in a few hours. Make sure you pack your passport and bow and arrows." He said before turning to leave.

While she was very excited to go on her first official mission, they needed to discuss the elephant in the room. They didn't need any distractions. It could be dangerous if they did. She took a deep breath and looked at him. "Steve?"

He stopped walking and looked at her. "Yes?"

"We should talk, before we go."

She was right. He knew it, but he didn't know if he had the courage to bring the topic up. He had been kicking himself the past two days. He was horrible with women according to Sam. It wasn't fully his fault. Women never looked at him twice before the serum. Then he was frozen for seventy years. He hadn't exactly had time to think about dating or a relationship since then.

"I'm sorry, Brianna. I really am. I didn't mean....I didn't want to hurt you. I never really had time to get over Peggy. Being there, dancing with you, it just brought up memories." He tried to explain.

What he didn't tell her was that he went to see Peggy yesterday. He told her everything he possibly could about Brianna. He told her about the date and he messed it up which made Peggy laugh. She told him that what they had had been special and she cherished every second it, but things were different now. She had lived her life. Now, it was time for Steve to live his. He had to move on. It didn't mean forgetting about Peggy. It just wasn't their time. It never would be and that was okay.

"It's okay, Steve. Really. I don't quite understand what you're going through, but I know it has to be difficult. Losing everyone you ever loved..." she shook her head. "I can't fathom that. However, there are people here who care about you too and are happy you're here. Just...give us all a chance. I am sorry too. I just need space. Sometimes it's just better to walk away."

"Thank you, for understanding. I think, I think I need more time." He admitted.

"And that's okay. However, when you're ready, I think I would like a second date." She told him with a smile.

Steve was slightly taken aback. After all that, she still wanted to go on another date with him. "You sure?"

"I am."

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