Chapter Twenty Five

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A/N: I know I'm skipping around a little, so I apologize for that.

"Nervous?" Steve asked Brianna quietly so no one else in the quinjet could hear him.

Brianna glanced up with a glassy look in her eyes. "What?"

He gave her an almost reassuring smile. "I'll take that as a yes."

"I'm not nervous. Just...don't want a repeat to last year." She admitted to her boyfriend of almost a year.

They had received a tip hours ago that Rumlow and his team would be trying to attack the city of Lagos. The last time she faced Rumlow was when he kidnapped and tortured her. It wasn't something she wanted to go through again. This mission would be different though. She was more confident. Her level of training was higher. The only difference was that she couldn't bring her bow and arrow. It would be too hard to conceal. She would rely only on her combat training.

"That's not going to happen. There's more of us this time. And," he said handing her a com to put into her ear. "We'll be in communications the entire time."

She relaxed only slightly. "I'll be fine."

Steve brushed his lips against her temple. He wasn't huge on public displays of affection in public, but it didn't mean he wouldn't steal a kiss every now and then. Especially when she was nervous. He stood up just as Natasha began to lower the quinjet to the ground.

"Alright everyone. We'll leave the quinjet one at time to avoid suspicions. Space out, but not too far apart. Remember to always be aware of your surroundings. There will be civilians around us." Steve addressed Sam, Wanda, Natasha and Brianna. "Let's go get them."

Steve was first to leave the quinjet donned in his disguise. Brianna had chosen a pair of army green, forming fitting pants tucked into a pair of brown boots. She also chose a loose, white fitting tank top since the heat in Lagos could be brutal. She had pulled her hair into a low bun and pulled a hat over it. The last thing anyone of them wanted was to be noticed and the mission would fail.

Every five minutes a person would leave the quinjet. Steve went first followed by Wanda then Sam then Brianna and Natasha was last. She took in the sites of the busy city as she walked. She knew if Steve saw her he would probably scold her for not being aware of surroundings as he liked to say. It didn't mean she couldn't at least enjoy the place a tiny bit.

The sun beat down on her bare shoulders as she chose a seat a good distance from everyone else. She attempted to find a seat with an umbrella, but even that didn't help. She could feel sweat trickling down her neck as she sipped on her ice water. She glanced at Wanda who was drinking hot tea through her sunglasses. How the woman was drinking a hot beverage when it was 100°, she didn't know.

"Is anyone else dying of a heat stroke?" Brianna asked through her com after they had been sitting there for hours.

She heard Sam chuckle through her earpiece. "What? You can't handle the heat?"

"No, I can handle heat. This city is a fucking furnace." She mumbled.

"Let's stay focused everyone. Wanda, what do you see?" Steve asked.

"Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target." Wanda spoke while looking around.

""There's an ATM in the south corner, which means . . ." Steve trailed off.

"Cameras." Wanda finished.

"Both cross streets are one way."

"So, comprised escape routes."

From her table, Brianna flashed Wanda a confident smile and mouthed a silent 'good job.' This of course earned her a look from Steve, but he kept a smile on his face.

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