Chapter Thirty Four

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The compound had never seemed so quiet as the remaining Avengers walked inside. Before they left for Wakanda, Brianna didn't get much of a chance to look around. Even now she didn't as Steve ushered her to get checked out by Bruce. She felt bad asking him to make sure she was okay medically. Like the rest of them, he looked like he wanted to just be alone and rest. Steve had excused himself to check on the others while Brianna was tended to.

She sat on the table in the same medical ward of the compound. It had been the first time she ever visited there. The scent of alcohol caused her stomach to churn as Bruce set up supplies all around her. He snapped a pair of gloves onto his hand and began to feel around her neck and head, being mindful of the wound on it.

"I think it's clear you have a concussion." Bruce told her. "And you'll need some stitches."

"Wonderful." Brianna said dryly.

She tried not to hiss in pain as he applied alcohol to her head so he could clean it effectively before starting. After, and what Brianna considered the worst part, was the shots to numb the area. She gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to punch him in the face. Getting the actual stitches part wasn't too bad. She could just feel some slight tugging and pulling.

"How's your patient?" Steve asked as he walked back in. He had changed into a pair of jeans and a t shirt.

"She did good. Just keep an eye on her." Bruce said.

Steve helped her down from the table. He admired Bruce's work for a second before walking with her back into the main area of the compound. She could see Natasha on the phone with someone. Her face looked constricted though. As if she were holding back emotion.

"Who's Nat talking to?" Brianna asked curiously.

Steve stopped walked. He bit his bottom lip and hesitated to answer. "Your dad."

"My dad?" She looked up at him with wide eyes. "He survived the snap? What about Laura? Cooper? Lila? Nathaniel?"

He took a deep breath. He was about to have to tell her that everyone else had disappeared. He had no idea how she was going to react either. "Brianna, I think you should sit down."

Brianna shrank back from him. She brought a hand up to her mouth, trying to stifle a sob. "No. No. A-All of them?"

"Yeah, all of them." He said. He wished it wasn't true. He wished he hadn't had to tell her. "I'm so sorry, Bri. Natasha is talking to him now. He's pretty...emotional. He knows you're safe though."

"That bastard." She said through gritted teeth as she thought about Thanos. She wanted to break down and mourn, but she couldn't. She had no energy left. She suppose that day would come when her world came crashing down around her. The realization that her step mother and siblings were all gone. "I-I need to call my mom."

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Steve asked.

She nodded her head and pulled her phone out. She had her mom's number saved in the burner phone she had bought years ago. She dialed it, hesitantly.

"Hello?" The voice was not her mother's. The voice belonged to her step father. "Who is this?"

"Michael?" She asked.

"Brianna! Oh my...are you okay? What's going on? Everyone just started disappearing. Your mother..."
He trailed off.

Her mother had been one of the people that had turned to ash. She reached out to the couch to support herself. "I'm so sorry, Michael. We tried. We fought so hard. Are Liam and Owen okay?"

"They're okay. I just got them home from school. Is she going to come back?" He asked.

Brianna bit down on her bottom lip. "I-I don't know. I don't think so. I, um, need to go. I'm tired. Very tired. I'll talk to you later though."

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