Chapter Thirty One

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Brianna and Steve never talked about the night he came and got them from the Raft again. The next day, he was fine. He was the normal boyfriend that she had been with for a year. It never ceased from her mind though. The moment he didn't look or say anything to her after they had sex. Normally, he was sweet. He would pull her into him and hold her close. That night was different. She never brought it up though.

Life on the run wasn't easy. They never knew how long they would be staying in one spot for. They never knew where they would be sleeping. What country they would be in. They took odd jobs and missions to make some money to pay for food, hotels and other necessities. Brianna had allowed them to use her bank account to buy things, but that money had only went so far.

With every country she went to, she bought a postcard for each of her families. She would always wait a few weeks before she sent it out though. The last thing she wanted to do was be caught by the government. She didn't want her family to get in any more trouble either. The longer they spent out on the run, the more comfortable they became. Vision would join them occasionally so he could spend time with Wanda.

Eventually, Vision and Wanda went their separate ways leaving Steve, Natasha, Sam and Brianna on their own. They were just required to check in with the group every so often. Steve and Brianna had talked about doing the same thing. Finding some random place to live in the middle of nowhere, but every time the topic came up, they both felt guilty.

It was Christmas time when Brianna begged Steve to let her see her family. Sam was also longing to go home as well. Natasha had business to attend to elsewhere. It would be dangerous going back home. They all knew that, but the months on the road had taken its toll on all of them. They just wanted to be somewhere familiar even if it was only for a day.

They dropped Sam off in New Orleans first, then Natasha in the middle of the Mid-West and finally they started for New York. She would go see her mom's side first before heading to her dad's. She had no way of warning them that they were coming. It was too risky to call them. Of course, it would be risky going to see them as well.

"You sure about this?" Steve asked Brianna as he landed the quinjet on the lawn.

Brianna sighed. "Not really, but they're family. They have to love me regardless."

She pulled the thick coat around her body tighter as the hatch opened letting the cold, December air rush into the cabin. A crowd had already formed outside her grandparents' house. Her mother stood in front of the crowd. She watched as her mother's eyes widened at the sight of her daughter that she had not seen in almost a year.

"Brianna!" She gasped.

Just as Claire was about to run to hug her daughter, her grandfather stopped her. "Don't, Claire."

Everyone froze, including Steve and Brianna. No one knew why her grandfather told Claire not to see her daughter, but judging by the stone cold glare that he was giving them, Brianna could tell he wasn't pleased to see them.

"You need to leave." Her grandfather's tone was harsh.

"But-" Brianna tried to speak, but felt Steve touch her lower back.

"We need to go." Steve said for only her to hear.

She shook her head, eyes filled with confusion. "No, they're my family. I haven't seen them..."

"I know, Brianna." He said.

"Dad," Claire took a step forward towards her father. "It's Brianna. We haven't seen her in-"

He raised his hand for her to stop talking. "She's a criminal, Claire. They both are. You need to go, Bri, or I will call the feds."

" could you..." she couldn't finish her sentence.

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