Chapter Two

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"How long does it take for one person to make an apple pie?" Laura asked in a teasing tone.

Brianna shook her head and fixated her eyes back on the pie dough. "S-Sorry."

The older woman cocked her head. Something had obviously caught the attention of her step daughter. She had been staring out the window for a while while the pie laid neglected on the counter. She walked over to the kitchen window to see if she could see what Brianna was looking at. It was Steve and Tony chopping up wood. Her head turned slightly again as she found herself staring at the muscles rippling under Steve's too tight shirt. "Oh. I see."

"Laura!" She scolded her step mom.

"What? I'm just looking. There's no harm in looking." She said with an amused smile.

Suddenly, Steve ripped the wood in half with his hands. She felt bad for watching. It was clear there was tension between the two of them and that she was witnessing an argument. Her eyes adverted back to the half done pie dough lying on the counter. The Avengers, with the exception of Thor, had only been at the house for a few hours, but they had all made themselves busy. Steve and Tony were chopping wood up for them. Bruce had opted to shower while Natasha was entertaining the kids. It was nice having the house so full. Especially with her dad being home, but it was also slightly awkward.

"Fury's here." Laura spoke up suddenly as Brianna poured sliced up apples coated in cinnamon, sugar and nutmeg into a pie dish.

"Director Fury?" Brianna asked.

"Yep. He's in the barn. I'm supposed to go ask Mr.Stark if he'll look at the tractor in the barn." Laura explained Clint's plan.

Brianna smiled. "That's...quite the lie. Why is here? I mean, I know why."

"Probably to scold them. Then try and help." Laura guessed. "Put the pie in the oven and let's go outside. You can tell Captain Rogers where to put the wood."

She wondered what her dad would think if he saw her talking to Steve after he said the men were off limits. It wasn't like she was a flirt or anything. He just wanted her to stay away from the job and those associated with the jobs. She dusted her hands off with a towel and followed Laura reluctantly. She stood next to her awkwardly as they listened to the two men fight.

"I'm sorry. Mr. Stark, uh, Clint said you wouldn't mind, but, our tractor, it doesn't seem to want to start at all. I thought maybe you might..." Laura trailed off.

"Yeah, I'll give her a kick." Tony said and put a piece of wood down before turning to Steve. "Don't take from my pile."

Brianna stifled a laugh at Tony's comment.

"Captain? Brianna can show you where to put the wood. I think we have enough to last us a few years. So, thank you." Laura told Steve.

He gave her a very forced smile. "You're welcome. Um, show me the way?"

"It's just in our wood shed. Over there." Brianna told him and pointed towards small shed. She began to to bend down to gather wood in her arms. "I know it's none of my business, but are Mr. Stark and you...okay?"

He was quiet for a moment and she regretted asking. "It's complicated. He's...Tony Stark."

"Right. Well, I know this sound childish, but you should try writing him an apology note. It's something my mom made me do when I was younger. Sometimes writing things out is better than speaking them. It makes you think harder." She suggested.

"That's not a bad idea. I'll consider it." Steve told her. "So, your Clint's daughter?"


"Do you share his archery skills?" Steve asked curiously.

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