Chapter Five

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"I wasn't eavesdropping." Steve told Brianna, but it came out in a jumbled mess.

Brianna looked up from her seat on the quinjet. "I know. You were curious."

"Curious?" He asked.

"Mhm. You've known my dad for a while. You discover he has a secret family. You want to see how he interacts with that family." She said with a smile. "Or you think I'm pretty."

Steve cheeks burned bright red. His tongue felt swollen in his mouth. He couldn't speak. "I..."

"I'm kidding. I swear." She said as soon as she saw his reaction to her joke.

Sokovia was located in Central Europe with the Czech Republic on one side and Slovakia on the either. Like it's neighbors it had been engulfed in political fights for years. And that was the extent of her knowledge on the country. The terrain was quite beautiful for such a desolate, war ridden place. It was surround by tall, snow capped mountains. It looked like a place where a family might want to travel. Stay in an adorable cabin and spend their days skiing.

It served a different purpose today. It was dawn when they arrived. The sky had not awoken fully. Their goal was to get as many people out before they decided to engage with Ultron. The less civilian casualties, the better. Bruce had gone to find Natasha. Tony had went to find Ultron. The rest of them were responsible for getting as many citizens out as they possibly could.

The people didn't fully understand, but they complied. She couldn't imagine the terror they were feeling. They were being forced to leave their homes and didn't know what they would come back too. A vibration was felt under her feet. At first she thought she was imagining it, but then the concrete beneath her feet began to crack. Metal creatures began crawling their way out of the ground. Instinctively, she reached behind her and pulled out an arrow.

"Is anyone else seeing this!" Brianna yelled into her com.

"We need to get the people out!" Steve yelled.

That's what they had been doing. It didn't take her long to understand that Ultron had been busy. He had created an entire army. Now, on top of getting everyone out, they were going to have to fight as well. Screams were beginning to erupt behind her while she fired as many arrows as she possibly could at the sentries. Just when she didn't things couldn't worse, they did.

The ground began to shake. Worse than before. It felt like an Earthquake at first, but she had never seen an earthquake with such force before. Confusion flooded her body as large cracks formed around the city. At first, she didn't realize Sokovia was moving. She still thought it had to do with Ultron's army. No. This was far worse. The city was floating.

All around her buildings were climbing. Cars, people were falling off the edge. Her eyes widened in horror at the sight. This was far worse than what she imagined it would be. There were still people that needed to be evacuated. However, there was now no way to get the people off the floating city. Her eyes connected helplessly with Steve's and he looked just as dumbfounded as she did.

She ran over to Steve's side, arrows flying from her bow as she did. Her heart pounded against her rib cage. She couldn't be scared. She had to be...brave. Suddenly, the army stopped attacking and faced everyone.

"Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal." Ultron's voice spoke through his minions.

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