Chapter Three

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Folded up in an olden wooden trunk was an old SHIELD jacket that once belonged to Brianna's dad. She had begged and begged her dad for one when she was a teenager. It was made from a spandex like material, but it wasn't able to be ripped easily. On either side of the sleeves was the SHIELD logo. She pulled it over a black work out tank and it was slightly baggy on her since it was made for a man.

Underneath the jacket was a bow, arrows and an arrow holder. All of which belonged to her dad at one point. The arrows weren't anything special. She was secretly hoping that her dad would hand over some of his trick arrows. She doubted the ones she had could dent vibranium. It was dark and eerie quiet as she descended the stairs to board the quinjet. She could see Steve and Tony murmuring amongst themselves while Laura and her dad embraced one another.

Brianna had never fallen in love. She had dated. She had boyfriends. However, she wanted what her dad and step mom had. It was rare. She knew that, but she craved it. It would take a special person to deal with her though. She leaned quietly against the wall not wanting to disturb anyone. Then her eyes locked with Steve's. He walked over to her slowly. "You ready for this?"

She tried to contain an excited smile. "I think so. I hope so."

"Me too. You'll be with me, Natasha and your dad. We're going to the lab where Ultron might be." He explained to her.

She nodded understandingly just as Laura walked up to her. She wrapped her arms around Brianna tightly. "Please be careful."

"I will. I had a good trainer." She said and winked at her dad.

Truthfully, she was a little nervous as she walked to the quinjet. She had never faced an enemy before. It would be dangerous, but she was ready. The quinjet was impressive. It seemed to be well ahead of it's time. She took her seat next to Natasha and slipped a com into her ear.

"Is it always so tense?" She whispered to Natasha.

Natasha eyes met her's. "Sometimes. Tony and Steve are both natural born leaders. Tony is cocky. Steve isn't. They each have their own mindset on how to run a team."

"Ah." She said. "Steve seems nice."

"I thought your dad forbade you from dating anyone he knew."

"I never said I wanted to date him. Is he handsome? Yes. I just thought he was nice. I don't know. I guess I had a different version of him in my head. Tony was exactly how I expected. Dr. Banner seems shy. Thor? Well, I didn't get a chance to speak to Thor."

"He is nice." Natasha agreed.

As soon as they got close enough to Dr. Cho's lab in South Korea, the quinjet hovered above a landing spot. Steve wanted to surprise Ultron. If Ultron was even there.

"Clint, Natasha stay in the jet. I need eyes up in the sky. I'll take Brianna with me." Steve instructed them.

"Woah. Woah. That's not the deal. Brianna stays with me." Clint protested.

"Dad..." she trailed off. He was treating her like a child, again. She knew he only wanted to protect her, but she wanted to make a difference.

Steve took a step towards Clint. "I promise no harm will come to her. If she is half as good as you, she'll be valuable."

If there was anyone her dad trusted as much as Natasha, it was Steve. He was a man of his word. Clint's eyes jumped from Steve to his daughter and back to Steve. "Fine. If anything happens to her, I'll kick your ass."

"I wouldn't expect anything less." Steve said with a smile and motioned for Brianna to follow him.

She shot her dad an assuring look before following him. They were just outside the lab. A small walk would be required, but nothing too extreme. "I guess I should be thanking you."

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