Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: I'm sorry for the short, terrible chapter. I swear after this one things will pick up. Steve Rogers is literally the hardest character to write for.

Telling the other Avengers that Steve and Brianna  were dating mostly easy. Of course Tony teased the both of them, but everyone else was supportive. Telling her parents was going to be a whole different feat. She had never been so terrified in her life. She had asked them both to meet her a restaurant local to all four of them. However, she neglected to tell them why. She would probably grow to regret that later once she saw her father's stern glare and her mother's wide eyes.

There was a soft rap on her door and Brianna glanced up to see Steve standing there in his usual button down and pants. His hands were wrapped around a bouquet of flowers that caused her to raise an eyebrow.

"Are those" She asked.

"No. I got them for your mother." He told her.

"Oh, she's going to absolutely love you." Brianna told him with a smile.

"Is something wrong?" Steve asked. He walked further into the room and placed the flowers on her night stand. "You look nervous."

She sighed. "I am. I just want my parents, really my dad to be okay with us. You were his teammate and friend before you were my boyfriend."

Steve reached out to steady her. "Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise. It'll probably be awkward at first, but I think with time it'll get better. You look beautiful by the way."

Brianna glanced down at the floral wrap dress she had chosen. "Thank you. I thought it was a bit too Little House on the Prairie, but it's comfortable."

"I remember when that book came out. They made us read it in school." Steve told her.

"Sometimes I forgot how old you actually are." She teased him. "Ready?"

"I think so. I'm borrowing one of Tony's cars. I don't think your mother would like it if I pulled up in my motorcycle with you on the back." He admitted while grabbing the flowers.

Brianna really didn't know how Steve kept it cool all the time. It was something she hoped would rub off on her. Maybe it was because he had seen and been through more than her? The fact that they were about to have dinner with her parents to tell them they were together hardly seemed to even phase him.

At one point during the car ride Steve must have sensed her mood. He reached over to where she sat on the passenger side and gently squeezed her hand. She had been peering out the window, thinking and the movement caused her to look at Steve. He didn't say anything. He just shot her a reassuring smile. She was lucky. So damn lucky to have someone like him.

"Can I ask you a question?" She inquired. "It might be slightly awkward."

"Sure. Anything." He told her.

"Have you ever...been with a woman?" Brianna asked.

Steve raised an eyebrow at her. "Been with a woman?"

"Like, sexually?"

She watched his whole face turned red. She didn't think it was possible for him to be embarrassed, but she may have just found the one thing that did the trick. "Uhhh, no."

Steve Rogers was a virgin. It actually didn't bother her that much. She didn't even know why she asked. It was a topic normal couples spoke about. She supposed she should have known. The man was frozen for seventy years and hadn't exactly had the time to be intimate.

"Have you...been with a man?" He asked.

"I have. When I was a teenager." She admitted.

"Okay." His voice seeped with awkwardness.

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