Chapter Twenty Three

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Brianna would have to lie and say Christmas with her dad's side would be normal. It most definitely would not be. With three small children running around it would be just as chaotic as her mom's side. The only difference was that there were less people. Since her dad and Laura's place were further away, they decided they would just stay the night. They would arrive Christmas Eve and leave Christmas Day after all the festivities.

Steve under estimated just how much Brianna loved Christmas. I mean, she loved Christmas. She did not just decorate their room. No, she took the liberty to decorate the entire compound with lights and trees and other various decorations. In their room she had set up a small fake Christmas tree that they decorated together. She had remembered Steve telling her about the the popcorn garland his mother and him used to make and she of course got the supplies to do that.

She also went out and bought stockings for each of them to decorate and hang in the room they shared. The Christmas festivities didn't just stop there. They had gone ice skating at Rockefeller. They had driven around to see Christmas light displays. They had cuddled up on the couch with mugs of hot chocolate and watched movies. He enjoyed every aspect of it though. He loved seeing the sparkle in her eyes when she got excited.

Steve helped her carry armful after armful of presents for her family to her car. The two of them would exchanged presents when they got back. They both agreed to get each other small gifts. Nothing extravagant. A slow, steady snow had begun to fall as they finally got into the car to drive to the dark. While they drove Brianna went over all the events Laura had planned; gingerbread house and cookie decorating, watching movies. When they got up in the morning there would be a feast of a breakfast.

The farm looked like something out of a movie all covered in snow. It was absolutely beautiful. As soon as they pulled up in the driveway, Cooper and Lila came running out dressed in their winter gear. They both had sleds in their hands.

"Brianna!" Lila cheered. "We're going to go sledding and you must come."

"I promise I will. Just let me bring everything inside first. Are dad and Laura inside?" She asked.

The little girl nodded her head. She gave Steve a small smile where he stood, his arms carrying all the presents he could. They excused theirselves to go inside. The house had been decorated perfectly. Laura always had the best decorations. Even better than what Brianna could put together. She found her step mom in the kitchen cooking something.

"I didn't hear you two come in!" She said and walked over to hug the both of them. She shot Brianna a disapproving look when she saw the amount of presents she had brought. "Please tell me that not all of those are for the kids?"

A mischievous smile spread across her face. "Some of them are for dad and you."

"Brianna," Laura groaned.

"What? You know I like to spoil them." She said innocently just as her dad walked in while Steve put the presents around the tree. She gave her dad a large hug. She hadn't seen him in what felt like forever. "Hey, dad."

"Brianna." Clint said before turning to shake Steve's hand. "Steve."

"You guys can take your things upstairs. Brianna knows which room is the guest room." Laura said.

Clint raised an eyebrow. "I thought Steve was sleeping on the couch?"

"Clint, come on. They're adults." Laura attempted to persuade him.

"I'm aware. I'm also aware at what adults do." He said causing Steve's cheeks to turn pink.

"As am I. Isn't that how I got here?" Brianna asked.

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