Chapter Eight

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The morning came too early as Brianna rolled over onto her stomach and hit her alarm. Steve's words echoed through her head, the bad guys don't care what time it is. While they didn't, she most definitely did. She didn't sleep great the first night. She supposed she should have expected that. It was a new place with a new bed with new sounds. Every little noise caused her eyes to fly open.

She sat up in the bed and reached over to grab the hair tie laying on her side table. She pulled her hair up wanting to keep it out of her face while she got ready for the day. While the room was entirely dark the light in her closet had been left on. The uniform that had been hand made for her seemed to stare at her in the closet. It didn't feel real. Any of it. It felt like some sort of dream.

Brianna didn't bother showering. She knew she would need to after her first training session. Instead, she slipped on her pair of lounge shorts that laid next to the bed and walked out of the room. The kitchen/pantry was free for them to use. Wanda had told her Tony kept it well stocked. It seemed like she was the first to have woken up. She rummaged through the kitchen trying to see what she could make herself.

Oatmeal seemed like an easy enough meal. She pulled out a bowl and dumped a good enough amount of oats into the bowl. She ran it under the sink before putting it in the microwave to warm up. She wanted to add more to it though. There was a bunch of bananas on the counter and she pulled one off. Once the oatmeal was done, she cut the banana up and put it in the bowl. Protein. She need protein.

Peanut butter would be good. She made the exact breakfast numerous times and usually added peanut butter and sometimes a drizzle of honey. She rummaged through the pantry, but could not find any peanut butter.

"Where the hell is the peanut butter?" She mumbled to herself.

"Top shelf. Behind the cans." An unfamiliar voice said.

Brianna practically jumped ten feet in the air. She thought she was alone. She turned around and sitting in the dark was a man with darker skin, short black hair and a charming, wide toothed grin.

Sam Wilson was an early riser. He supposed he had to thank the Air Force for that. He didn't say anything as the young brunette walked into the room. He wasn't sure if she was a morning person or not. He had never met her before. He didn't even know who she was. She was pretty in the way that she didn't know. Freckles adorned her nose and cheeks.

She stood at an average height. He couldn't tell how muscular or curvy she was under the oversized t shirt she was wearing. She muttered a soft 'thank you' before turning around and grabbing the jar. She put a decent sized spoonful in her bowl before walking over to the table to eat. However, she turned the light on before sitting down.

"Do you enjoy eating in the dark?" She asked. "Scaring people?"

A low chuckle escaped his throat. "I apologize for that. I didn't want to wake anyone up. Sam Wilson."

"Brianna Barton." She introduced herself.

"Barton? You related to Clint?" He asked.

"I'm his daughter." She told him.

His whole demeanor changed. He sat back in the chair and studied her. "I wasn't aware he had a family."

"Most people weren't. He wanted to keep us a secret. His job is a little dangerous."

"So," he said trying to absorb the information. "Are you here to replace him?"

"Not exactly. Just...take his place for a brief period of time."

"Sounds like a replacement to me." Sam teased her.

Brianna chuckled softly just as Steve entered the room. The two of them stopped talking and turned their attention to the super soldier.

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