Chapter Twenty

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A/N: I apologize for the late update and not so great chapter. Like I said, Steve is really hard to write for and I'm trying my hardest to write him correctly. Thank you.

When Brianna awoke she was surprised to see Steve still in her bed. He laid on his back with one arm folded over his bare torso. The other arm was curled instinctively behind her. She listened to his heart beating against his chest softly as she laid in the bed. Memories of the night came flooding into her mind. She still couldn't believe it actually happen. Well, it probably wouldn't have had happened if she had not had a few beers.

She lifted her head off his chest slightly, her brown hair brushing against his bicep. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. His long eyelashes laid against his bottom lid. His hair was the most unruly she had seen it. She wondered if he looked that peaceful when he was in the ice. It was certainly an odd thought, but being frozen for seventy years was also odd.

She rolled over onto her back so she could check the time: 7:52am. She had forgotten to set her alarm in the midst of last night and slept in longer than she would have liked. Most everyone who lived in their section of the compound would also be awake, wondering where the hell the two of them were. She was positive that they had a few guesses already.

"Morning." Steve spoke, his voice raspy with sleep.

Brianna rolled back over and found Steve lying there with his eyes open. A boyish smile was on his face. "Good morning. Sleep well?"

A low chuckle came from his mouth. "I did, actually. You?"

"Mhm." She leaned up and kissed him softly. "I think I could get used to this."

Steve reached up to bury his hand in her hair. "I think I could as well. What time is it?"

"Almost eight."

"A late morning run it's going to be. We also have training today."

Brianna groaned. "Don't remind me."

"Think I could sneak out of here without being noticed?" Steve asked.

"Probably not." She answered. "You go first. I'll follow after you shortly."

"Sounds like a plan." He said and leaned over to kiss her once again. She watched him get out of her bed with a playful smile on her face. She felt like some giddy, little girl.

Once Steve had left her room it was her turn to get ready for the day. She wouldn't shower until after they finished training. There was no point it since she would just get sweaty again. She could at least wash her face, put some deodorant on and do something with her hair.

She put on a pair of workout leggings, sports bra and a tank top before pulling her hair back. She knew todays training would be a bit more grueling than she was used too. Steve kept wanting them to train harder so they would be prepared for anything. When she walked into the kitchen, Steve wasn't there. She figured he had already eaten and went on his run.

"That was nice of you to throw Steve a party." Sam said behind her.

"Damnit Sam!" Brianna yelled. She covered her racing heart with her hand.

Sam chuckled. "You know, you should learn to look over your shoulder. I could have been trying to kill you."

"Mmmm, noted." She said sarcastically. "And thank you. I think. Not sure if that was a compliment. I just didn't know the last time he had one."

"I took the liberty to check the training board today and it looks like you and I are partners." Sam informed her.

"What were you doing in there so early?" Brianna asked curiously as she made her oatmeal.

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