Chapter Seventeen

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Steve sat on the chair in his room for a while deep in thought. Brianna had kissed him only hours ago. It had taken him by surprise. A good surprise to most people, but for him it was a new experience still. It wasn't lustful. It was almost sweet. He just didn't know where to go from there. He liked Brianna. More so than he liked other people. He just still didn't know if he was ready for a relationship.

When he woke up in the morning, he went for a run in an attempt to clear his head. In didn't work. In fact, all he could actually do was think about Brianna. He could still feel the way her lips felt against his during the brief kiss. He could still see the almost mischievous smile on her face as she bid him goodnight. She had left him standing there dumbfounded. Perhaps that had been her plan and if it was, it was working.

"You okay, Steve?" Natasha's voice drew him from his thoughts.

He blinked rapidly trying to refocus on the computer in front of him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just...tired I guess."

"You're distracted. That doesn't happen." Nat pointed out as she looked through countless photos from the ship. They were trying to find some indication of Rumlow's next move. They knew he would lay low for a while considering they almost got caught.

"It's Brianna."

Nat raised an eyebrow. "Oh."

"She kissed me."

Natasha tried her best not to smile. Atta girl, she thought to herself. Brianna had been a shyer child growing up. She mostly kept to herself and Nat barely remembered ever seeing her with a boyfriend. That past few weeks a change had occurred in the younger woman. She was growing more confident. She seemed happier as if she had found her place in the world.

"Well, how did you feel about it?" She asked with her almost folded along her chest.

"It was nice."

"Nice? That's it?"

Steve leaned back in his chair. "I mean, it was just a quick one and then she said goodnight."

"Allow me to offer my expertise." Nat began. "The fact that you're still thinking about it and her is a sign. Why don't you go take her to breakfast or something? Talk it over."

"You think she would like that?" Steve asked.

"Absolutely. Especially after the week she's had."

He nodded his head before standing up from his seat. Natasha was more than likely right. They probably needed to have some sort of conversation instead of playing the cat and mouse game. His nerves felt shot as he walked to her room slowly. He stopped in front of her door and mustered up the courage to knock. It took her a moment to answer it.

She looked better than she did yesterday. A little more alive. She was dressed causally in a pair biker shorts and oversized t shirt from some band he didn't know. Her hair was tie in some sort of knot on top of her head. She tried not to smile too brightly at him. "Steve."

"Bri." He greeted her. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better actually." She paused. There was a hint of awkwardness between the two of them. That was mostly due to her though. She had kissed him. It was a bold move on her behalf, but she felt like the pain killers gave her the extra push. "Steve, about last night. I'm-"

"I liked it." He cut her off.

"You did?" She asked with wide eyes.

"I did." He said softly. "And I was hoping I could maybe take you out for breakfast?"

Relief washed over. He wasn't mad or scared off. "I would like that. Just let me slip on some shoes and grab my bag."

Before she could turn around, he gently took her hand and pulled her into him. He leaned down and pressed a kiss against her lips. It wasn't as delicate as last night. It lasted long enough for Brianna's hand to rest on his bicep and for Steve to wrap an arm around her waist. This time she was the one that was surprised.

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