Chapter Thirty Two

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One and a Half Years Later

The cool, fresh sea breeze filled Brianna's nose as she stepped out onto the small back porch with two mugs of hot tea in her hand. In the distance she could make out Steve sitting on a blanket near the edge of the cliff overlooking the ocean. She knew he would have a sketchbook in hand drawing anything from a bird to the vast ocean that they had seen everyday for almost a year. He did it every morning.

She walked over to him slowly so she wouldn't spill the tea all over herself. The breeze blew her hair and clothing back against her frame. It was so quiet in the mornings on their little safe haven. They had found it a year ago. It was small, only two bedrooms. They all alternated who slept on the couch. It was cheap though and that was all that mattered.

She sat down next to Steve and pressed a soft kiss to the stubble on his cheek. She had grown to love his beard over the years. "What are you working on today?"

"You remember that waterfall we saw in Brazil?" He asked and took his mug from her.


"I'm trying to draw it from memory. It's not working out too well though." He admitted and showed the sketch pad to her.

Brianna pulled her oatmeal colored cardigan around her body tighter. "I think it looks nice."

A quiet ring broke the silence of the wind from Steve's pocket. They both froze. That ring only meant one thing; trouble. Steve had given Tony the flip phone years ago to use in case he ever needed their help. It had not rang once until today. Steve dug the phone out of his pocket and stared at it.

"It's Tony." He said before answering and bringing it to his ear. "Hello?...Bruce?...Uhh, no. I'm not...You sure?...I don't know exactly where he is, but I can find him...okay, okay...we'll need a few hours...yep...see you then."

The further the conversation went, the more Steve's face changed. Whatever the situation was, it wasn't good.

"We need to go." Steve said, helping her stand up and gather their things.

"What's wrong?" Brianna asked.

"I'll explain inside. I need you to change and grab any weapons you have though." He told her.

Inside the little cottage was Sam and Natasha. He was cooking while she was sitting on the couch reading. They both knew something was wrong the moment they entered the house. Usually, Steve and Brianna spent hours outside together.

"I just got a call from Bruce." Steve told them.

Natasha looked at him surprised. "Bruce?"

He nodded. "You all need to hear this. There's this alien, Thanos, is what Bruce called him. He's looking for six infinity stones so he can complete something called an infinity gauntlet. It'll give him all the power in the world. Thanos already has two of them; Space and Power. Tony engaged with Thanos with the help of some others, didn't end well. They're all currently on Thanos' ship. Bruce is heading to the compound as we speak, but we need to get to Vision quickly. He has the Mind Stone in his head. Get everything you need and head to the quinjet."

While Brianna got herself ready, she let Steve's words marinate. Some powerful being was set to destroy the world, again. It felt like just another day in her life of being an Avenger. However, in the back of her mind, she knew the situation was much worse than any she faced. It had been a while since she wore her uniform. It still fit her, which she was thankful for. If anything it was a little loose since the amount of food they could afford was small.

"Have you made contact with Wanda and Vision?" Brianna asked Natasha as she climbed into the quinjet and took her usual seat.

"No. I haven't. Luckily we have GPS. I just want to give them a little heads up." Natasha told her.

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