Chapter Twenty Two

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When Steve and Brianna returned back down stairs,
multiple tables of food had been laid out. More like covered in an array of food; potatoes, green beans, rolls, beans, sweet potatoes. The list went on and on. A line has already formed to get your plate and load it with the homemade food. They got in line right behind her other brother, Owen.

"There you are." Brianna said to him while handing Steve a plate. "Were your attempts at sabotaging my car successful?"

"Very, but don't worry. I fixed it." Owen's eyes fixated on Steve. "I thought you would be bigger."

Brianna rolled her eyes. "Ignore him. He's a bit of an as-"

"Brianna Barton!" Her mother yelled from across the room causing Steve to chuckle.

"Since Brianna won't do it, maybe you will, can you set up a meeting with Tony Stark and Dr. Banner? Bri doesn't want to bother him." Owen asked.

"That's because Dr. Banner is off the grid and Tony is very busy." She shot back.

Steve didn't have siblings growing up. The closest thing he had was Bucky, but watching Brianna bicker with her brother made he miss his best friend even more than he already did. He found himself sitting between Brianna and her step father. He tried his best not to eat his normal amount of food he usually consumed. He didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable, but he knew he would be hungry later.

"So, tell us Steve, how is Brianna doing in terms of being an Avenger?" Her grandfather asked.

Steve looked at Bri and then at the older man. "Um, very well. She's definitely inherited her father's skill set."

"That's the only thing she got from him." The man muttered under his breath.

People around the table groaned as if they knew he was about to go on some tangent. He noticed that Brianna had stiffened.

"Dad. Don't." Her mother spoke up.

Her grandfather cut a piece of turkey off. "I'm just saying. The man, while he is a hero, was always gone. His mother was watching Bri half the time when it was his days with her."

Brianna cleared her throat. "My dad did the best he could. Why don't we move onto something else."

Steve had never noticed any grief between Clint and Brianna's mother, but it was very evident that not everyone was amicable. He wondered why she had never mentioned it before. The conversation regarding her father moved onto something else.

"Well, I think it's the for the game." Her uncle declared as everyone finished eating.

"Game?" Steve asked, turning to Brianna.

A sly smile appeared on her face. "Remember how I told you to pack some clothes?"


"You're about to find out why." She said and motioned for him to follow her into one of the extra bedrooms so they could change. "It's a family football game. We put all our names in a hat and draw them into two teams."

"Okay. That doesn't sound bad." He admitted.

"Oh, you have no idea. My family is crazy about this game. We have actual jerseys. It isn't flag football either. It's full contact." She explained while slipping on a t shirt. "You'll have a team captain. Don't be surprised if they nominate you."

Once they finished getting dressed, Brianna led him outside to a giant, open yard. Most of the family had already gathered outside and were divided up into teams.

"Brianna, you got team blue. Steve, you've got team black. Get a jersey and find your team." Her mother told them two of them.

"Different teams?" Brianna asked. "This is going to be fun."

Steve was hesitant. He was the strongest person there and didn't want to hurt anyone accidentally. He was pretty aware of his own strength most of the time. He thanked the person that handed him the jersey and put it on. He underestimated just how serious the game was until someone pulled out an actual game plan. He would be playing defense.

He glanced over at Brianna who had a serious expression on her face. Her arms were folded along her chest and she appeared to be studying her team's game plan. He never imagined he would be in the position he was, but he had to admit that he was starting to like it. Once everyone knew their positions, they were able to begin. Steve got into his spot and scanned the team for Brianna. She shot him a wink before focusing.

"Set!" Yelled one of the cousins who was playing quarterback. "Hut!"

Chaos ensured after he yelled. Steve had actually never played football before. He was not athletic as a child and knew very little about the game. What he did know was the main objective; don't let the other team get the ball and score. He could see one of Brianna's uncles running to tackle the running back and Steve zeroed in on him. Steve slammed his body into the Uncle, a little harder than he intended to do.

The field grew silent. Everyone turned to look at him where he stood with wide eyes. The Uncle gaped up at him before spreading his face in a wide grin. He stood up quickly and dusted his clothing off.

"That's how you play!" He yelled at Steve and clasped his shoulder. "Finally, someone who tackles instead of just lightly touches."

Steve laughed awkwardly. "Um, thank you."

The game went on for another hour almost. He had to admit it was actually more fun than he thought it would be. In the end his team won. Brianna stood to the side with a smile on her face as she watched Steve's team crowd around him. They told him how great he did or how they would need him to come back for more games, that he fit right in with the family. She was glad that her family all seemingly enjoyed getting to know him.

"You've been holding out on me, Rogers." Brianna teased him as they walked back inside the house so they could change, have dessert and then leave.

"Would you believe me if I said it was my first time playing?" He asked.

"Well, I figured." She said. "I would have loved to meet you before the whole super soldier serum."

"I like to think I'm the same, just stronger." He admitted.

She wrapped her arm around his waist as they walked. "I didn't know this Dr. Erskine, but I think he chose the right person for the job. He would have been proud."

Sadness washed over Steve. It had been a while since he thought about the scientist. He just hoped that Brianna was right. That he was proud of him. It was late by the time they finally left. It took almost thirty minutes just for them to say goodbye. They kept getting side tracked or pulled in different directions by her family. He had heard the question 'when are you two getting married,' at least a dozen times. Every time it was asked, it made him even more flushed.

"I hope my family didn't scare you off." Brianna said as they drove back to the compound.

"I actually had fun. They all seem nice." He admitted and then her grandfather's words about Clint formed in his mind. "Can I ask you something?"


"Your mom's they not like Clint?" He asked.

Brianna sighed. She was hoping Steve didn't notice the tension at the mention of her dad. "It's just complicated. My grandfather was right. My dad did travel a lot, but I understood he had an important job. My grandparents are nice, good people. They just had high expectations for their kids and my dad didn't meet those expectations."

"Even though he's an Avenger?" Steve asked.

"Yeah. They think he's even more reckless now. You can imagine the reaction when they saw me helping with Ultron." She glanced over at him. "But I don't care. I'm doing what makes me happy. I'm helping people."

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