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A/N: Before you read the last chapter of this story, I just wanted to thank everyone who read, voted and commented on it. It means so much to me. I hope everyone enjoyed it!

One Week after Endgame

Brianna had not seen her mother in six years. Six, very long years. The last time she had seen her was at Christmas time when her grandfather told her that he would call the police if she didn't get off his land. Then, her mother got snapped away for five years. She waited for her mother to reach out. She wasn't even sure if her mother wanted to see her again, but a day ago Brianna received a text message from her mom asking to meet her for lunch.

Brianna was nervous. Very nervous. She had no idea what her mom was even going to say to her. Would she be happy to see her daughter? Or upset? The questions mixed with going through a break up kept her up all night. She almost considered canceling on her mother when the morning came. She of course arrived early which gave her more time to gather her thoughts.

"Brianna?" Her mother's voice sounded so quiet.

Hearing her mom's voice was almost enough to make her start crying. She had longed to hear it for years. She stood up from the chair she was sitting at and looked to her mom. She hadn't changed. She still had the same hairstyle, the same usual clothing that she wore. She supposed her mother wouldn't have changed that much since she was gone for five years.

Claire looked at her daughter and tightly gripped the handbag on her shoulder. She could see a few cuts and bruises on her face. She had bags under her eyes and Claire could tell that she hasn't been sleeping well. Her eyes were so sad. Sadder than she had ever seen. Her hair was longer than the last time she saw Brianna. She reached out and gave her daughter an awkward side hug before sitting down across from her.

"I was going to say you looked well, but that would be a lie." Claire said.

Brianna's lips stretched into a smile. "You look the same."

"I suppose that's a given since I was only gone for one second." She said. Claire glanced down at her hands and then back at her daughter. "I guess I should thank you for bringing us all back."

"It was a joint effort." She said as flashbacks to the battle appeared in her mind.

"I'm surprised Steve isn't with you."

Brianna froze at the mention of Steve's name. She still had not gotten to the point where she could think of him without crying. She blinked back tears and cleared her throat awkwardly. "We, uh, broke up a few days ago."

"Oh, I'm so sorry Brianna."

She shrugged her shoulders. "You didn't know. It's fine. I'm fine."

Claire reached across the table and grasped her daughter's hand. "It's okay, to not be okay. You've been through a lot the last few days, well years. I know my...behavior didn't help."

"Mom, I understood. We were criminals. By being around us could have gotten you in trouble."

"I know, but you were still my daughter. You needed me and I should have said something." Claire paused. "I just want you to forgive me."

"I had five years to forgive you, mom and I do. Of course, I do." Brianna said sincerely.

"Excuse me," came a small voice from next to Brianna. She turned her head to see a girl no older than twelve with a phone in her hand. "I'm sorry for interrupting, but I was wondering if I could take a picture with you Miss Barton."

Brianna smiled kindly at the girl. "Of course you can."

Brianna smiled for the picture and waited for the girl to leave before turning her attention back to her mom. She was smiling proudly at her. "My daughter is a hero."

She shook her head. "No, the ones who died; Pietro, Vision, Nat, Tony, they were the heroes."

One Month after Endgame

A month had passed since the day they fought Thanos and won. Brianna couldn't even believe it had already been a month. It didn't feel real still. It felt like it had only happened days ago. She had started to be just okay finally. She wasn't happy, but she wasn't terribly sad and angry anymore. She was just learning to live what happened. She was learning to find her new place in the world.

She had driven by the remnants of the compound multiple times. Flowers and signs had been laid out along the temporary fence that kept the public from accessing the now construction site. She could still see where Natasha was standing when she saw her for the last time. She could still see where Tony died surrounded by everyone who had fought by his side.

She tried to keep herself busy everyday. It made it all easier. She would go for a run. Read. Walk around the city aimlessly. She just needed a distraction. Which is what brought her to the little cafe in New York City. She listened to people chattering around her, to the sound of taxi cab horns and dogs barking as she studied her crossword puzzle.

"This seat empty?" A voice asked.

Brianna looked up and needed a moment for her eyes to focus on who stood in front of her.

"Sam?" She questioned and stood up to hug him. "I figured you would be home right now, and please sit."

"I already went to Delacroix. I still have business to attend to in New York as well." He said. "How are you? Working on a crossword puzzle? Must be that bad."

Brianna chuckled. "I'm...okay."

"Yeah? You lying to me? I know when you're lying." He asked with a smile.

"I'm not lying. I promise. I've just been keeping myself busy. Trying to not think about Thanos or Tony or Steve or Nat." She admitted.

He leaned forward in his chair. "You know, if you need to talk..."

"I know. I can talk to you." She said.

"I couldn't help, but notice that you seem to be struggling with your crossword puzzle."

"Struggling? Why do you say that?" She asked.

He looked down at the page. "Because it's empty."

"That's because I just started it." She pointed out. "Do you want to help me or just judge me?"

Sam chuckled. "I can help you if you would like."

"I would love that."

All it took was a quick moment. Brianna didn't know why or how. Maybe it was the way Sam smiled even though she had seen him smile multiple times. Maybe it was the way the sun shown on him just right, but in that moment, she thought to herself that maybe, just maybe, her whole life could begin again.

A/N: There will be a sequel. Soon.

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