Chapter Sixteen

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Freedom never tasted so sweet as Brianna was wheeled out of the hospital and towards her dad's car. She hadn't been at the compound for almost a week and a half and she was very much looking forward to sleeping in her own bed. She was still sore, particularly her fractured ribs and still tired, but she was on the mend. It had taken a speech to convince her mother that she would be okay at the compound and not under her watchful eye.

Thankfully her mother finally stopped asking. Her dad even tried to pull the same stunt and have her stay with him, but she declined. She promised to take it easy. No training. No fighting. Just lots of rest. It would be annoying not being able to do anything, but if she wanted to heal she would have too. Her ribs screamed as she pushed herself out of the wheelchair so she could get inside her dad's car.

In an instant he was by her side trying to help her inside, but she pushed him away. She had to do it by herself. If she couldn't do something as simple as getting into the car, she was going to be screwed. Her dad was quiet most of the ride to the compound, but Brianna could tell something was on his mind.

"Can I ask you question?" Clint finally spoke.

"Umm, sure." Brianna waited with bated breath for whatever was about to come out of his mouth.

"Why didn't you tell me about your date with Steve?" He asked.

Her eyes widened and she turned to gape at her dad. "How did you know about that?"

"Your mom, when she was yelling at Steve. She mentioned it." He answered.

"Because you told me not to date anyone on the team. I thought you would be mad. Besides, it didn't go any further than that." She answered.

"Brianna," Clint paused. It was a difficult conversation to have. She was his daughter. Steve was his friend. He still saw her as a little girl and thought no man would ever be good enough for her, but Steve was a good guy. There was worse people she could date. "I'm not mad. I just worry about you. I don't want to see you get hurt, because then I'll have to kill Captain America and I don't think the world would take too kindly to that."

She tried to laugh, but it sent sharp pains up her side. "He's a good guy, dad. I promise."

Clint didn't say another word. He just gripped the steering wheel tightly and drove. She was still feeling quite lightheaded as she got out of the truck. She didn't know if it was from the concussion or pain killers in her system. She was half expecting an entourage to be awaiting her at the front door of the compound, but was thankful there wasn't.

When she got through the doors was a different story. Natasha was the first to greet her with a gentle hug followed by Tony. It was actually nice to see that people cared about her and had missed her. Her dad had insisted that she go straight to her room and rest. She wasn't going to argue although she wasn't going to sleep. She needed a shower.

Her dad had yet to see her room since she moved into the compound. However, he hardly even paid any attention to it as he walked inside. He placed multiple prescriptions on her side table.

"Not bad." He said looking around. "A little plain, but I'm sure you'll get there. I see you have the house plants."

Brianna turned to look at her three plants sitting on the windowsill. For her being gone for a while, they looked pretty alive. "I like it. Wanda and I actually picked a few out together."

"I'm glad you're making friends, especially with Wanda. She's just a kid like you and probably needs a friend." Clint told her.

"Well, my amazing parents raised me to be kind to everyone. I know not everyone is as lucky as I am. She's nice though. Easy to talk to."

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