Chapter Six

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Brianna stared dead ahead at the glass wall in the medical bay on the helicarrier. Everything that had just transpired was hitting her at once. Ultron. Pietro. All the people. She couldn't believe that she had been apart of it either. Tomorrow, she would be called a hero. She didn't feel like one though. She felt...tired. Very tired. And sad for the lives they weren't able to save.

She winced slightly as the nurse applied something to the cut on her forehead. Wanda sat in front of her in a different section with a lost expression on her face. Her heart broke for the woman. She couldn't imagine losing any of her siblings, but a twin brother probably had an even harder impact. Brianna had apologized to her numerous times and told her if she needed anything she was there. They had already lost their parents. Being alone in a time like that was not smart.

The door to her room slid open. She couldn't turn to see who it was since she didn't want to disturb the nurse applying stitches to her head. She heard footsteps and a flash of blue came to stand in front of her. Steve. He looked just as beat as she did. She tried her best to offer him a smile.

"I suppose this comes with the job?" Brianna asked referring to the cuts and bruises that adorned her body.

He looked down at the floor and then back at her with an amused grin. "Not if I can help it."

The nurse finished her stitches before leaving the room, but Steve and Brianna stayed where they were. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." Steve said.

"Is it normal to feel...." She trailed off, not being able to figure out the word.

"Like you didn't finish the job?" He guessed.

She nodded her head. "Yeah. We beat Ultron, but what about the survivors and Pietro and those who died?"

Steve was quiet for a moment while he tried to find the best way to comfort her. He knew the feeling all too well. He took a step forward, his crossed arms becoming uncrossed. "Just think about everyone who would died if we didn't intervene. It'll help you sleep at night."

"Thank you, Steve." She said. She didn't feel much better, but it gave her something to think about. She hopped down from the exam table and the two of them began to walk. The helicarrier would be dropping them off in New York soon.

"You know, you did good today. Really good." He admitted.

"Are you saying you didn't think I could do well?" She asked with a teasing tone.

She swore she saw him blush. " I just...I was nervous. I see now that I was wrong. Which leads me to my next question."

She stopped walking and looked up at him with curious eyes. "Okay?"

"Maybe you would consider joining the Avengers? I think you would be valuable. You would of course need more training, but you seem to adapt well." He asked.

She tried to play it cool. However, on the inside, she was jumping up and down. She wanted to scream 'hell yes,' but that might make Steve change his mind. "Isn't there some sort of board or the other members you need to get opinions on?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Possibly. I think you proved yourself today. Just know it can get dangerous. You could lose your life."

"I know. I think I saw that today." She understood. "I will join, but only if you give me your number."

Steve's lips parted and then closed again. He wasn't sure if he had heard her correctly. "I'm sorry?"

"Relax, Captain. I already asked Tony and Bruce for their numbers. I don't think Thor has a phone. If I'm going to be apart of the Avengers I think I should be able to contact everyone."

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