Chapter Thirteen

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Valencia, Spain was absolutely beautiful as Brianna looked out the window of the quinjet at the water and city. She could make out old churches, homes mixed in with modern buildings. She desperately wanted to walk along the beach, but then she remembered they were not there to vacation. They were on a mission. Maybe Steve would allow them to look at the ocean once before they left.

They landed at a private airport just outside of the city and would take a cab to their hotel. Somehow, Tony managed to persuade the airport to allow them to land without letting anyone know they were there. She supposed he paid them off somehow. Everything was booked under a different alias. Their cover story was that they were journalist from the United States.

The quinjet would be kept in a hanger under lock and key. They would bring the rest of their gear with them. Brianna's consisted of a duffel bag and a case that carried her bow and arrows. They stepped out into the warm sun donning their disguises. Sam and Steve opted for baseball hats and sunglasses. While Brianna only wore sunglasses. No one knew who she was therefore it was easier for her to hide her identity.

"You know," Brianna began as she threw her stuff into the back of a taxi cab. "It's going to take a lot more than sunglasses and hats to hide your identities."

"Says the rookie." Sam teased her.

"I'm sorry. Aren't you also a rookie?" She asked.

"A rookie Avenger, yes. However, I was in the Air Force so I have more experience than you."

"Alright children. Get in the car." Steve joked causing both Brianna and Sam to send him looks.

They did as they were told though. Brianna opted to sit in the front seat since she could act as a translator between the driver and everyone else. The ride was mostly silent to their hotel. She kept her eyes peeled onto the city and water, taking in the beautiful sights.

"Es hermoso, ¿no? (It is beautiful, isn't it?)" the driver asked.

"Muy hermosa. (Very beautiful.)" Brianna agreed.

The driver looked into his rear view mirror at Sam and Steve in the back before looking over at Brianna again. "¿Vas a estar a salvo con dos hombres? (Are you going to be safe with two men?)"

She thought it was nice that driver was concerned for her safety. The slightest smirked appeared on her face. "Estoy a salvo. Además, son amantes. (I'm safe. Besides, they're lovers.)"

The driver looked back at the men in the backseat and nodded understandably with wide eyes. He was quiet after that. The hotel that had been booked was slightly dingier than she expected. She supposed it wouldn't make sense for them to be staying at a five star hotel when they were on a mission, but the state of the hotel was slightly alarming.

It was older. Maybe even a hundred years old. It was made of beautiful brick that was starting to chip away. There was no AC as they walked up the stone stairs into the lobby. Just a few ceiling fans. It wasn't terribly hot, but it was enough to cause sweat to form on her forehead. There was an older man at the counter flipping through a newspaper. When he saw the trio, he sat it down and offered them a warm smile.

"Hola. ¿Registrándose? (Hello. Checking in?)"
He asked.

"Si. Um, debería estar debajo de Morris. (Yes. Um, it should be under Morris.)" Brianna spoke.

The man reached behind and produced a worn key. "You must be the journalists from America. Your room is up the stairs, fourth door on the left."

Brianna took the key and thanked him. Steve was nice enough to carry her things up the stairs. She followed the man's directions and unlocked the door. It opened with a loud creek and she was hit with a rush of warm air. There was no AC in the rooms either. Just a ceiling fan that wasn't turned on. She reached over to flip the light on.

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