Fanboy Louis

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Summary : Harry is a globally successful singer , and when he meets Louis - he wants to know more of him . But after the brief meeting and picture he can't stop thinking about him , so with a bit of help from fans , things hit off .

Enjoy x


Louis and Niall , his best friend , were clutching each other's arms as they waited , along with a small group of fans , for Harry to enter the parking lot .

Harry is a really successful singer , and Louis and Niall have been fans since the beginning . It was the first time they would be meeting him , and they were both nervous and excited at the same time .

"I can't breathe ." Louis whispered to Niall , who shook his head , "Me neither ."

They kept looking towards the doors , when they suddenly opened and Harry walked out with two bodyguards .

"Hi Harry !" The group said alltogether , though Louis could only stare ahead .

Harry smiled and waved as he approached them . "Hello , you doing okay ?"

Some fans were quick to take pictures with him , Niall and Louis stood back as Niall rubbed Louis' arm , "Calm down , you'll be okay ."

"I'm about to die , Ni , he's real ." Louis whispered , Niall laughed , "Come on , we're almost the last ones ."

Niall held Louis' arm as he walked with him closer to Harry . "Hey lad , we're huge fans ."

Harry smiled at him , then turned to smile at Louis . Niall handed Louis his phone and stood next to Harry , Louis quickly took a few pictures with shaky hands .

"Done ." He said softly , Niall turned to face Harry , "Your music is great lad , we love it , keep it going ."

"Thanks ." Harry smiled and patted his shoulder , Louis handed Niall his phone back and was about to walk up to Harry , but a girl got to him first so he waited for her to finish .

He then had to wait until everyone were done , and when the last girl finished Niall started recording .

Harry turned to Louis and held his arms open , "You waited so patiently , now you get the biggest cuddle ."

Louis smiled and walked closer , now realizing just how tall he is . "I think I'm going to need to be picked up for this hug ." He giggled , Harry lowered himself and wrapped his arms around his waist , picking him up . 

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's broad shoulders , grinning like a fool . He smelled so good , and he was so strong and warm .

Harry couldn't help but smile aswell , something about this tiny lad is drawing him in . He rocked him a little and squeezed softly , while Niall was recording and taking pictures throughout it all .

Harry slowly put him down , his arms still around Louis' small body . "What's your name ?"

"Louis ."

"It's really nice meeting you ."

"You too ."

They pulled back , Louis grinned shyly with blush covering his cheeks , and Harry had to restrain himself from kissing his red cheeks .

They turned to face Niall , Louis had his arms around Harry's middle , while Harry's arms embraced Louis into his chest .

"Thank you for being amazing , I love your music and it always helps me ." Louis said as he looked up at Harry , Harry smiled softly at him , "I'm glad you enjoy it ."

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