Just The Way You Are ~Part 2

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Another part to my JTWYA imagine . 

Enjoy x


Louis walked out of shower all freshened up , hair blow-dried and body smooth with sweet-smelling lotion . He walked to the living room and smiled at Harry , who was staying over for the night .

Harry gave Louis a soft smile , his phone still pressed to his ear ; ever since he got promoted he's been busy , and tried his best to give his free time to Louis and his family and friends .

"Yes . Will do . Thank you . Of course , bye ." Harry hung up with a sigh , Louis sat next to him , "Want to go shower ?"

"Yeah . Wanted to join you though ." Harry pouted a little , Louis poked his bottom lip , "Next time , I promise . Now go shower ."

Harry leaned in to peck Louis' lips quickly before getting up from the couch to go shower . Louis sighed softly before getting up from the couch and going to his room to retrieve tweezers and a small mirror . He needed to get his eyebrows done before he freaked out .

He sat cross legged on the couch and held the mirror with one hand , the other holding the tweezers as he plucked his eyebrows .

He was almost done when Harry walked into the living room after shower , Harry chuckled softly , "What are you doing ?"

"Working on my eyebrows ." Louis said as he tried on focusing , Harry sat next to him and looked at him through the small mirror , "Your eyebrows are fine , love ."

"I look like a monkey's armpit , shut it ."

Harry threw his head back laughing , bringing his arms to wrap around Louis' waist , "I just love when you get sassy with me ."

Louis smiled , "I'm almost done , alright ?"

Harry kissed his shoulder , "Want me to cook or order ?"

"I actually don't have anything in my fridge so we might aswell order . I feel like having pizza ." Louis said , "My credit card is -"

"Ha ha , very funny ." Harry rolled his eyes as he got up from the couch , "You're funny if you think you're paying ."

"You paid last time !" Louis called after him , Harry disappeared towards the kitchen , "So ?"

"So I'm paying this time ."

"Heh , no ."

"Hazza !"

"Nope ."

Louis tried staying mad , but he just couldn't . He smiled to himself as he finished with his eyebrows and Harry ordered their pizza .

Harry walked back into the living room and sat next to Louis , Louis looked at him and bit his lower lip . Harry raised his eyebrows . "What ?"

"Can I do your eyebrows ?"

Harry laughed softly , "Sure ."

Louis smiled and moved to straddle his thighs . He scooted closer and placed one hand on the back of Harry's head , the other holding the tweezers .

Harry placed his hands on Louis' bare waist , which was showing from his crop-top . He loved when Louis wore crop-tops , it showed his soft hips and tiny tummy which Harry absolutely adored .

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