Blind Louis : Camping

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Summary : After getting his sight back , Harry takes Louis on a camping to show him the beauty of the world .

Enjoy x


Harry knocked on the door to the Tomlinson-Deakin household , Jay opened the door and grinned , "Hey , come in ."

Harry walked in and hugged her , "How've you been ?"

"Been amazing , you ?" Jay wrapped her arms back around him and patted his back , Harry pulled back , "Been good aswell ."

"Louis is up in his room ." Jay pointed her thumb backwards , Harry nodded and walked up the stairs to Louis' room .

He knocked on the door , then Louis' soft voice called 'come in' from inside . He opened the door and smiled , Louis and Lottie were stuffing clothes into Louis' bag .

"Hey love ." Harry said , Louis turned around and grinned before jumping into Harry's arms , letting out a small squeal of excitement .

"I'm so excited for our camping !" Louis squeezed Harry , Harry smiled widely and squeezed him back , "Me too . Now finish packing so we can go ." They pulled back , Harry pressed a soft kiss to his lips before letting go .

While Louis finished packing Harry sat on the bed petting Olie , smiling softly at Louis . "I love seeing you so happy ."

Louis looked up at him and grinned , "You're the reason I'm happy ."

Harry held his arms open , Louis walked over to him and let Harry pull him down to sit on his lap . He kissed Louis' cheek , "You deserve being happy ."

Louis pressed a lingering kiss to his lips , caressing his cheek . "I love you ."

"I love you more ." Harry cooed and kissed him again , before pinching his bum , "Finish packing , will you ."

Louis squeaked and jumped off his lap , smacking his arm .


"We're here ." Harry parked his car , Louis looked around , "Where are we ?"

Harry got out of the car and went to open Louis' door , helping him out of the car . "This is a meadow . A meadow has green grass and flowers everywhere , it's beautiful . I found this section that had dirt , so we can have campfire there , already got wood waiting for us there . We'll sleep in a tent under the stars , see the sunrise ." While he talked he moved to stand behind him , arms wrapped around his waist .

Louis bit his lower lip with a smile , nodding . Harry kissed his temple , "I'll go get the things from the car , you can look around ."

"I'll help you ." Louis followed him to the car , Harry smiled and opened the trunk , handing Louis the tent to carry while he carries their two bags , food basket and an air mattress .

They walked over to the area Harry found , They put everything down and started putting up the tent . Well more like , Harry putting up the tent and Louis sitting on the grass watching him .

Harry smiled over at Louis , "Care to help ?"

"Nah , looks like you've got it ." Louis shook his head , giggling at Harry's playful pouty lips .

Harry finished putting up the tent , then displayed the air mattress in the tent leaving it to floaten . He went over to Louis , who was now laying on his back looking up at the sky , and crawled up ontop of him .

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