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Summary : Louis was cursed by his mother , because he came out as gay when he was seventeen . The only way to break the curse is a true love , from a man . The catch : Louis was cursed into the size of seven inches tall .

This one is a really , really long one-shot , so be prepared .

Also I haven't really proof-read it so there might be some mistakes .

Enjoy x


Louis fixed the rugs around his body as he looked to the other side of the street ; his stomach growled as the smell of the bakery he was aiming for reached his nose , but in order to get to the other side he had to cross the road , which wouldn't usually be a problem , but for being a few inches tall it was a massive risk .

He took a deep breath and pressed himself to the pole closest to the crosswalk , and when the light turned green he ran quickly to the other side , reaching the sidewalk just in time for the light to turn back red . He was thankful it was so early in the morning or he wouldn't even think of doing such thing .

He pressed himself to the wall as he walked carefully , his body weak from not eating properly in two days . He reached the alleyway and hid behind a few cardboard boxes , glad he found a shoebox to spend the next few nights at .

God , I'm so hungry , Louis thought to himself as he neared the back door , looking around for any leftovers . He sighed out when his eyes caught sight of a half eaten doughnut sitting on a paper wrap , he tore a large bit of the doughnut and carried it to the shoebox , sitting inside as he munched away on the sweet .

He jumped when he heard a door opening , laying himself down inside of the box in fear of being seen . His sudden movement caused the box's lid to close on him , he sat up and pushed it open , peeking out of the box . He saw a tall figure crouched by the doughnut , biting his lower lip when he noticed the figure had a paper cup of a hot drink in his hands .

He sighed and let the lid of the box close , curling up as he finished the doughnut . He patted his bloated-yet-still-flat tummy , feeling himself growing sleepy . But before he could go to sleep , he had to make sure his shoebox is in a safe enough spot .

He stayed inside of the box for a short while longer to calm himself down from the food , before climbing out of the box . He grabbed the edge of it and dragged it closer to the door where he saw the tall figure , just in case there would be more food , or maybe even water .

He looked around a bit , hoping to find anything that could be used as a blanket or a pillow . He sighed in relief when he saw a beanie , it was a bit dirty but took it anyway , putting it inside of the shoebox . He couldn't find anything else , but decided that the beanie was more than enough . He climbed back into the shoebox and closed the lid , laying down on the beanie and closing his eyes .


"Where did I put it ?" Harry mumbled to himself as he looked around his office , a frown on his face . He needed to leave , but couldn't find his beanie . It was usually in his office , tucked into his coat pocket , or sometimes sitting on his desk , but it was in neither of those places .

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair , before he remembered - when he went outside earlier that morning , he had it in his pocket . He grabbed his things and said goodbye to his employees , making sure his co-manager , Liam , is all set to be left alone , before going out of the back .

Larry Stylinson -ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now