Love on Crutches

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Summary : Louis lost half of his leg , now having to deal with an artificial leg . He's getting weird looks for his slight waddling and using crutches , and he hates it . Then Harry comes along and makes him feel like a normal person .

Enjoy x


Louis neared the grocery store , taking himself a cart . He placed his crutches inside and let himself lean a little on the cart as he pushed it into the store . He smiled nicely at the guard in the entrace and pushed the cart through the isles .

He tried hiding his waddly-walk as much as he could , though the artificial leg wasn't really allowing it .

He started filling his cart , looking down at the list in his hand once in a short while . 

"Mummy , why is he walking like this ?" He heard a child asking their mother , making him bite his lip softly .

"Matthew , do not say it , it's rude ." The mother scolded her child lightly and took him away , giving Louis an apologetic smile . 

When they were far enough Louis sighed half-sadly ; ever since the accident four years ago people have been looking at him like he's an alien . It's just an artificial leg , what's the big deal ? Louis kept asking himself over and over again every time someone made a comment or looked weirdly at him .

He finished getting what he needed and went to pay for everything , he put everything in bags and waddled his way out of the place with his crutches .

He was by foot , and his house is a good ten minutes walk . Why did he think he'll be able to carry it by himself ?

Well now it's too late to ask Lottie or anyone to come help me , he thought to himself , so he just sucked it up and started walking , not making it ten steps before one of the bags slipped out of his hand .

"Hey , let me help you ." A voice startled him , then a tattooed , broad guy kneeled in front of him and collected all the groceries back into the bag before standing up , Louis had to crane his neck up to look at him .

"Thank you ." Louis said quietly and held his hand out to take the bag back , but the guy shook his head , "I'll carry it for you ."

"You don't have to ." Louis said in a small voice and tried reaching for the bag , but the guy shook his head again , "You won't be able to carry it all by yourself , let me help you . I'm Harry by the way ."

Louis sighed and let Harry take the rest of the bags for him . "Thanks . I-I'm Louis ."

"Nice meeting you ." Harry flashed a dimpled smile , "Lead the way ." He gestured , making Louis send him a hearted smile before he started walking .

"I haven't seen you before . Are you new here ?" Harry asked , trying to start a conversation .

"I - I moved here with my family a year ago ." 

"Oh , I guess that's why . How old are you ?"

"Nineteen , about to turn twenty ." Louis said , taking a turn right . "You ?"

"Twenty two ." Harry answered , "May I ask - how did you get to crutches ?"

Louis tensed a little , though he didn't let it show . "I - I was run over , and the doctors couldn't save my leg ."

"Sorry I asked ." Harry said softly when he noticed how tensed he got . "On a happier note , uhm , what are you currently doing ?"

"I kind of still live with my mother , and I work as a cashier at starbucks . Doesn't include a lot of walking , which is good to me ." Louis said . "What about you ?"

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