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Summary : Harry has a crush on Louis , though Louis has a boyfriend who's the definition of an asshole . Louis gets his heart broken by his boyfriend , and Harry is always there for him .

Enjoy x


"Is Carter still in there ?" Louis asked one of his boyfriend's friends when they guy exited the changing rooms , the guy nodded without looking at him and walked away .

"Rude ." Louis mumbled to himself before turning to face Harry , "I , uh - can you go in with me ? I don't want to go there alone ."

Harry bit his lower lip but nodded , he figured he'd go in with Louis then go look for Liam or Zayn , he didn't want to stay around and watch Carter getting his hands on Louis .

The two walked in , finding it mostly empty . Louis looked around a little and was about to call Carter's name , when he heard him talking to someone .

"So , you and Louis doing okay ?" The voice belonged to Zayn .

Louis walked in the direction of the voice , Harry following right behind him .

Carter laughed , "What do you mean ?"

"I'm asking , are you and Louis doing okay ? You're dating for a year now , are things good ?"

"No one told you ?" Carter asked , still laughing a little , which made Louis frown and slow down to a stop . He was behind the lockers so the two couldn't see him nor Harry .

"No one told me what ? Did you break up ?"

"No , we didn't . Not yet , atleast ."

"What is that supposed to be ?"

"Mate , come on . Everyone knows Louis is my spare ."

Zayn was quiet for a few seconds before talking again . "Your spare ?"

"Yeah , my spare . I have two more , one is a guy , one is a girl . Louis wouldn't let me sleep with him , or even touch him the way I want to , so I have other ones to have my fun with ."

Louis' chest tightened and he felt like he couldn't breathe . Harry's jaw dropped in shock , feeling his blood boiling with anger .

"Mate , what the fuck ?? That's cheating , Louis doesn't deserve that !" Zayn yelled .

"Yeah , well , you try being with someone who doesn't let you having at least a simple exchange of handjobs . He's great and all , but I have my needs . If he wouldn't give me what I want , I'll get it from others . That's how life works ."

By now Louis had tears running down his cheeks , still frozen in his spot . Harry stormed past him and went up to Carter , his face red with fury . He punched him as hard as he could , sending the guy flying to the floor .

"How fucking dare you !!" Harry screamed his lungs out and punched him again , "You don't fucking deserve him , he's too good for your cheating arse !"

Zayn's jaw tightened aswell , he didn't make any move to try stopping Harry , he would do the same if Harry wouldn't have been there . He heard a choked sob from behind the lockers , leaving Harry to beat Carter up while he went in the direction of the sob .

He frowned when he saw Louis with tears streaming down his cheeks , slowly sinking to the floor with his face in his knees . He sat down next to him and wrapped his arms around him , "Don't cry , you don't deserve to cry over an asshole like him . He's not worth it ."

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