Blind Harry

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Summary : Harry is blind , have been for the past few years . Though it doesn't stop him from being the strong , protective boyfriend for Louis .

Enjoy x


Louis knocked on the door to Harry's house , bouncing on his feet a little . It's the first day back to school , their last schoolyear , and Louis came to Harry's house early so he could walk with him to school .

Anne opened the door and greeted Louis with a smile , "Good morning . Come in , love ." She opened the door wider and stepped aside , Louis smiled back , "Good morning . Is Harry up ?"

"Yeah , he should come downstairs any second now , though you can go up to his room if you'd like ." Anne pointed her thumb backwards towards the staircase , Louis nodded and placed his backpack neatly at the front before making his way up the stairs .

He knocked on Harry's door softly , hearing his low voice calling for him to come in . He walked in and smiled , watching Harry getting his feet into his shoes . "Good morning ."

Harry immediately smiled at hearing his voice , sitting up on his bed and holding his arms out in the direction of his voice . "Good morning , baby ."

Louis walked into his arms and wrapped his own arms around his head , cradling it into his chest . Harry pressed his nose into Louis' shirt and took in his scent , his arms wrapping around him to bring him closer . "You smell so good . Want to sniff you forever ."

"Way to be a creep ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully , smiling wider when Harry brought him even closer , "A creep , huh ? I'll show you a creep ." Harry's voice was muffled into his shirt , before he felt his teeth sinking into the side of his ribs through the shirt .

He squealed and tried pulling away , though Harry was holding him tightly . He laughed at the ticklish feeling when Harry moved down a little to his side and stomach , successfully pushing him away . "You're an animal !"

Harry laughed aswell , "I thought I was a creep ."

"I don't like you sometimes ." Louis pouted and crossed his arms over his chest , Harry held his arms out again , "Come cuddle me , I can hear you pouting ."

"Promise not to bite me ."

"I promise , now come here ."

Louis walked closer and placed himself on his lap , Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' small body and brought him closer , "Ready for school ?"

"No ."

Harry chuckled and nuzzled his nose into Louis' face , not sure where exactly on his face . "You'll be fine . We'll be fine ."

Louis nodded , "I know , because I have you ."

Harry pressed his lips to Louis' face , making him giggle , "That's my nostril , you dummy ."

"I can't see , you know ." Harry teased , before poking his tongue out and licking the tip of Louis' nose . Louis let out a squeak and his head jerked back , his hand reaching to wipe his nose , "Hazzaaaa !"

Harry laughed , "Come on up , we need to get going if we don't want to be late ."

Louis pouted and got up from his lap , fetching Harry his cane . Harry thanked him and took the cane , wrapping his hand around it as the other wrapped around Louis' waist . Louis took Harry's backpack for him as they walked out of the room and down the stairs slowly , waving goodbye to Anne before staring to make their way to the school .

Larry Stylinson -ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now