Marcel or Harry ?

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Summary : Harry is the son of two very rich parents , but he doesn't want anyone knowing . He doesn't want people to be his friends only for his money . So he pulls on the school-nerd character to keep a low profile . Louis is the new kid , and he quite quickly becomes Harry's friend , since he moved away for being bullied for being a nerd . When Harry is sure Louis can be trusted he shows him the real him , and Louis helps him become the real him outside his house .

Enjoy x


"Have a good day ." Jay kissed Louis' cheek , Louis smiled , "You too ." He said before walking out of his house .

It was Louis' first day at the new school , and he was beyond nervous . He had to move away to the other side of England because everyone in the area knew he was gay , and they weren't okay with it . Jay , who learned the hard way about people hating on her boy , after being informed he made it to the hospital due to severe beating , knew they couldn't stay there , so as soon as they possibly could they packed their things and left for good .

Louis was more than nervous , the whole walk to school he played scenarios in his head about how everyone hates him and he'll have to go through everything all over again . Sooner than later he was stood in front of the school doors , taking a deep breath before walking inside .

He was at school before the year started , to get his schedule , know where his classes are and get his locker combo . He quickly found his locker , seeing someone else standing there with their own locker opened .

He slowly approached the guy , he was dressed in skinny jeans , boots and a knitted jumper , his hair stlyed into a gelled quiff with glasses on his face .

He nervously stood next to him and opened his locker , taking out his binder .

"Are you new ?"

Louis jumped softly , peeking at the guy from the corner of his locker door , nodding quietly . The guy smiled and offered his hand , "Marcel ."

Louis shook his hand . "Louis ."

The bell rang , Louis took his hand back closed his locker , "I need to go ."

Marcel nodded and watched as Louis quickly walked away . He sighed , at least I tried .

Louis walked into his first class , quickly picking himself a seat on the second row next to the wall . He tried being as small and unnoticable as he could , not to draw any unnecessary attention .

The first lesson went smoothly , as well as the second . Louis walked into his third lesson , seeing that all the seats are taken , except for one ; right next to Marcel , the guy he met before .

He clutched his notebook closer to his chest and walked towards the seat , sliding down into it without making eye contact with anyone . He placed his notebook on the table and took his backpack off , tucking his hands into his lap .

"Hey ." He heard Marcel saying , he turned his head to look at him briefly before dropping his gaze down . "Hi ."

Marcel was about to ask something but the teacher walked in , making him close his mouth and turn to face her .

When the lesson was over everyone quickly gathered their things and went to their fourth lesson , Louis was quick to walk out and to his fourth lesson .

When it was lunch break , he made it to the cafeteria and was glad it was mostly empty , so he picked himself a table at the corner and took his lunch out .

Soon enough the place started filling up , and he saw Marcel walking in very slowly , looking around a lot .

He's probably looking for his friends , Louis thought to himself , when someone bumped their shoulders into Marcel's and laughed , making Marcel frown and his chest puff a little with anger . Maybe I should call him over ?

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