Blind Louis ~Part 3

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"Lou , Harry's here ." Jay called to the living room , where Louis was sitting with his suitcase and Olie next to him , all packed up and ready to go on a resort with Harry for a week .

Harry walked into the living room , Louis heard the footsteps and got up with a smile on his lips , "Hi Haz ."

"Hello love ." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and bumped their noses together before kissing him . Whenever Harry wanted to kiss him he'd bump their noses to let him know of the kiss , though he likes surprising him every once in a while .

"Are you ready ? All packed up ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah . I'm excited ."

"Me too ." Harry smiled and pecked his cheek , "Go say bye to your mother and sisters , I'll get your suitcase in the car ."

Louis nodded and took Olie with him to the kitchen , where all five were eating breakfast . "Girls , I'm leaving for a week ."

Daisy and Phoebe hugged him first , then Lottie and Felicite . Jay hugged him tightly , "Have fun Boobear , call me every night , okay ?"

"Okay ." Louis nodded .

"Lou , are you ready to go ?" Harry walked into the kitchen , Louis nodded , "Yeah , let's go ."

The two said their last goodbyes to Louis' family before walking out of the house towards Harry's car .

"I've got Olive in the backseat , Olie can sit there with him ." Harry said , Louis nodded and let Harry take Olie's leash from his hands , he waited for him to put Olie in the backseat .

Harry opened the passenger's door and helped Louis in , pecking his cheek and closing the door . He got in the driver's seat and buckled himself , "Here we go ."

Louis grinned , "I'm excited ."


Two hours later they reached the resort , Louis was asleep in his seat .

Harry cooed and got out of the driver's seat , going to open the passenger's . "Love , wake up . We're here ." He shook his shoulder , pressing a light kiss to his cheek . Louis' eye fluttered open , Harry smiled , "Good morning , sleepyhead ."

Louis blushed and rubbed his eyes , "Are we there ?"

"Yeah , we're here ." Harry unbuckled him and helped him out , getting Olie and Olive out from the backseat to give Louis company while he get the suitcases and bags out of the car .

He gave Louis a backpack and the two dogs' leashes while he took the other bag and two suitcases , guiding Louis to the reception to get their room .

Harry placed everything near a couch and sat Louis on it , "Wait here , I'll get our room ." He kissed his forehead and went to the reception .

Louis busied himself with Olie and Olive , minutes later Harry came back , this time with a suitcase cart , "I'll put it all here and we'll go ." Harry filled the cart , letting Louis hold his bicep as he led the way to their room .

The resort camp was huge ; log cabins , green grass and trees everywhere , there was a small cafe and a swimming pool , every log cabin had a fireplace .

"Here we are ; cabin eighteen ." Harry took the keys and opened the room , letting Louis and the dogs in . "You can walk around to adjust to the place while I unpack us ." Harry pecked his lips and went to get the suitcases and bags .

Harry watched as Louis walked around with his hands in front of him cautiously , feeling his way around the room . Harry unpacked their clothes into the drawers , he placed the bathroom nesessities in their places .

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