Blind Louis

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Louis gripped his dog's , Olie's , handle as he let him lead their way home .

Louis could hear his and Olie's footsteps , when Olie stopped walking , but kept moving around a little . Louis could feel another presence near him . "Olie ? What's going on there ?" He asked , not knowing what to do .

He heard rapid footsteps from afar , and a voice , "Olive ! There you are ." The voice was raspy .

"I'm sorry my dog bothered ." The voice said , and Louis nodded , "It's okay ."

There was a silence , when the voice spoke again , "I'm Harry ."

Louis was a little confused , gripping Olie's handle tightly , "I'm Louis ." He said .

"Louis , nice meeting you ." Harry said , and Louis could hear a smile in his voice . "I'm sorry again , Olive just took a run on me ."

"Olive is your dog ?" Louis asked , then blushed from embarrassment . 'Of course it's his dog , you dumbass' He said to himself .

"Yeah , Olive is my dog . What's your dog's name ?" Harry smiled .

"Olie ." Louis answered , groping over Olie's neck until he reached his head , petting him lightly .

"Olie and Olive . Suits ." Harry chuckled , making Louis smile . 'He's a nice guy ' He thought .

"Well , Louis , I'm actually on my way to the dog park with Olive . Would you and Olie like to join us ?" Harry asked , and Louis was shocked . No one ever offered him to go anywhere , considering he was blind .

"S-Sure ." Louis answered . "But , a-are you sure ? I-I mean , i'm blind and all ..." He trailed off .

"I don't see a problem with it ." Harry said , then realized what he said , immediately apologizing .

"I'm sorry , it just came out , I didn't mean to be rude-" He was cut off by the most beautiful sound he's ever heard . Louis giggled , "It's okay . We'd like to join you ."

Harry smiled , "Well then , let's get going . Need a shoulder ?"

Louis nodded and held his hand up for Harry to take it . He guided Louis' hand to wrap around his bicep , "Wow , you're tall ." Louis laughed gripping Harry's arm .

Harry chuckled , "Well , in my eyes you're just small . But it's cute ."

Louis blushed , he's not used to comliments from strangers .

"Our dogs are really getting along ." Harry smiled , taking a turn carefully , making sure the pace isn't too quick .

"Yeah ?" Louis smiled , "That's good ."

"Mhmm ." Harry said , "And we're here . Let's take a bench ."

Louis groped around , feeling the bench and sitting on it , feeling Harry sitting next to him , knees touching .

He heard a metal click , and then Harry spoke , "I freed Olive , you can free Olie too so he can go play with Oilve . Only if you want ."

Louis smiled and turned to Olie , "Hey bud , want to go play with Olive ?" He asked , and Olie barked as a response . Louis giggled and patted his head , moving his hands down and around his collar and freed him , "Go play , buddy ."

Olie gave Louis' cheek a lick and he barked , then ran off with Olive . Louis giggled and wiped his cheek .

"You two are cute together , you have a great relationship ." Harry spoke , and Louis almost forgot he was there .

Larry Stylinson -ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now