I'll Be Your Reason ~Part 2

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Summary : After discovering Louis self-harms and confessing his feelings , Harry makes it his mission to help him and be there for him .

Enjoy x


"Good morning , Lou ." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis from behind as Louis was stood in front of his open locker , Louis smiled softly and leaned a little into him , "Morning ."

Harry kissed his cheek and kept his hands on his waist as Louis placed two notebooks in his bag before zipping it close and closing his locker .

"What do you say about a date after school ?" Harry asked as Louis turned to face him , Louis bit his lower lip and nodded , "Sounds good . Where are we going ?"

"Mm , we'll go get some hot chocolate and a muffin , then go to my place and cuddle ." Harry rubbed their noses together , Louis smiled with blush covering his cheeks , "Okay ."

Harry pressed a warm peck to his lips , "I love it when you smile , keep smiling ." He kissed his forehead , chuckling softly when Louis buried his face in his chest .


Louis waited for Harry near his locker , he faced down and played with his sweater paws . It's been a month since he last cut himself , his scars now faded into thin white lines . He's also been eating more , since Harry has been keeping a close eye on him and wouldn't let him skip a meal . He noticed how his stomach now pokes out more than it used to , and he hated it , he wanted to be flat again .

He was brought out of his thoughts at the feeling of arms wrapping around him and lips pressing to his cheek , "Ready to go ?"

Louis turned to face Harry and nodded , he started walking but only made it one step before he was pulled back into Harry , "We're not leaving until I see you smile ."

Louis sighed , he wasn't exactly in the mood . He gave Harry a thin smile , but Harry pouted , "A real smile , Lou ." He wrapped his arms tighter around the small boy , bringing his head down to blow a raspberry on his neck . Louis giggled in his ear , making Harry smile in victory and pull back .

"Now we can go ."


After their small date they went to Harry's , Harry gave Louis a piggyback to his room and playfully dropped him on the bed , "I'll get us comfy clothes ."

Louis smiled and took his shoes off , placing them neatly in the corner . Harry handed him sweatpants and a shirt , Louis thanked him and went to change in his attached bathroom . He was insecure and self conscious about changing in front of Harry , even though Harry was completely fine with changing in front of him .

Harry stayed with only sweatpants on and no shirt , smiling as Louis exited the bathroom . "Come here , I need a cuddle ." He opened his arms , Louis smiled and placed his clothes aside , crawling into bed next to Harry .

"Play with my hair ." Harry brought Louis into his arms , snuggling close and closing his eyes . Louis smiled softly and brought his hand up to his hair , running his fingers through the soft locks , fingerpads massaging his scalp .

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