Kitten Hybrid Louis

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Harry opebed the door to a cats' shelter , after a long night of thinking about adopting a cat .

The guy in the entrace smiled at him , "Hello , young boy , how can I help you ?"

Harry smiled back , taking off his coat since it was heated inside , "I'd like to adopt a cat ."

The guy nodded and got up from the chair , "Right this way ."

Harry followed him , the guy opened a door for him , "Those are our cats , call me if you need anything , I'm Adam ."

Harry nodded and walked in , Adam closing the door behind him , leaving him alone to decide .

Harry walked to the cages , some cats asleep , some awake . He smiled , loving how cute they look .

He reached his hand up to pet one of the cats , who purred under his touch . He smiled , the cat meowing at him . But then he heard a small yawn , most likely of a person .

He thought it was Adam who came to check on him , he turned around to the door , but he wasn't there . Harry furrowed his eyebrows , he's sure a hundred percent he just heard someone yawning .

He looked around , noticing quite a large cage in the corner . He walked towards the cage and knelt down , surprised to see a boy sitting there , rubbing his eyes sleepily .

"What the ..."

The boy in the cage jumped at his voice , eyes widening . He clung to the back of the cage , as far away as he could from the unknown person .

The boy was small with feathery-brown hair , big blue eyes and long eyelashes , tan skin and pink lips . Harry thought he was absolutely beautiful .

"Adam ?" Harry called , not taking his eyes off the boy . The boy whimpered at his name , curling into himself further .

"Did you call me ?" Adam walked in , and Harry nodded . "Why the fuck is there a boy in this cage ?"

"He's not just a boy , he's a freak of nature ." Adam rolled his eyes , "He's a cat hybrid , he has cat ears . As I said , a freak ."

Harry's heart clenched at his words ; He felt so sorry for the boy . He turned his attention back to the boy , "Hey , I'm Harry . What's your name ?"

The boy looked at him , still not talking , too terrified to move .

"He asked you a question , answer it !" Adam growled , shaking his cage . The boy whimpered again and Harry was quick to push him away , "What the fuck is wrong with you ?!"

"He's a disgrace , look at him . If you want it , just take it , I've been waiting for ages to get rid of this thing ." Adam snapped , chest heavied from anger . He threw the key to the cage on the floor , leaving and closing the door behind him .

Harry picked the key and knelt down next to the cage , twisting the key in the lock and opening it .

"I'm sorry for how he treated you , but you can come home with me ." Harry said softly , not wanting to scare the boy . The boy looked up at him , tears streaming down his face .

"I'm not going to hurt you , I promise . I'm Harry , what's your name ?" Harry smiled , showing his dimple .

The boy wiped his eyes , "N-name is-s L-Louis-s ." He said quietly .

"Hi Louis , nice meeting you . Want to come home with me ?" Harry still smiled , holding his hand forward for Louis to take it .

"H-Home ?" Louis asked quietly .

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