The Dancer And The Singer

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So , in this one Harry is a very famous solo artist , he's pretty sure everyone knows he's gay even though he never admitted it , so he decides to come out by dancing in one of his video clips with a male dancer .

And this dancer happened to be a shy , little Louis .

⚠️ Warning - this one sucks

Enjoy x


"We found love right where we are

We found love right where we are .."

Harry finished the song , Julian gave him a thumbs up from the other side of the glass in the recording room , with Ed sitting right next to him , smiling widely .

Julian pressed the utton and talked into the microphone in front of him , "You did absolutely great , Harry , that was incredible . I'm gonna have to take three , maybe four days to prepare the song , so take the time to relax , yeah ?"

Harry smiled and nodded , taking the earphones off his head and hanging them on the microphone , going out of the room to Julian .

"Thanks , mate , give me a call when you're done ." Harry smiled , taking his coat and throwing it over his shoulders , going out of the room with Ed .

"The song is going to be so amazing ." Ed said , wrapping the scarf around his neck .

"I hope so ." Harry smiled , opening the studio door and going out to the screaming fans , both huryring into the car waiting for them .

"I'm glad I gave you this song , I knew you'd do it better than me ." Ed laughed , Harry chuckled and shook his head , "No one sings better than you , Sheeran ."


"Hey , Harry !"

"Hey , Julian , you okay ?"

"I'm doing great , just finished editing the song and it sounds amazing ! Come over and get us some coffee , will you ?"

"I sure will ."


Harry parked his car outside the coffee place , hurrying inside .

No one was there , it was completely empty , except for the boy behind the counter , who had his back to Harry , cleaning the coffe machine area .

Harry took a few seconds to check the boy in front of him ; a small figure , curves , feathery brown hair and a little tan skin .

Harry coughed a little to get the boy's attention , the boy jumped and dropped his cloth .

"Sorry ." Harry chuckled breathly , watching the boy leaning down to get the cloth .

"I'm sorry , sir . I didn't know you wer-" The boy straightened up and looked up at him , eyes wide . His mouth gaped a little and he immediately recovered , "Y-Yes , um , sorry . What c-can I get y-you ?"

Harry smiled , chuckling , "Two cups of take out coffee , please ."

The boy nodded , turning around and shakily making the coffee , because , dang , THE Harry Styles just talked to him .

A few minutes later the order was ready , the boy put the cups in front of Harry , telling him the cost . Harry pulled his wallet out and paid the boy , smiling at him .

"Thank you for the coffee .." Harry read his tag name , "Louis ."

"Welcome ." Louis smiled shyly , Harry gave him a quick wink and turned around , leaving the place without noticing Louis' deep red blush covered cheeks .

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