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First post ((:

⚠️ Warning - this one sucks


it’s a rainy Saturday morning , Louis and Harry are cuddled up in bed , still asleep .

Louis had his head tucked under Harry's chin , with Harry's arms engulfing him close , warming him up .

Once a thunder roars from outside the window , Harry started stirring .
He opened his eyes and took a deep breath , relaxing his muscles .
he looked down to a still asleep Louis , and smiled . He kissed his messy morning hair and buried his face in it , inhaling his shampoo scent .
'god , I love this damn shampoo .' he thought to himself , taking another sniff of the scent before pulling back , admiring his sleeping boyfriend .
Piercing blue eyes closed and parted lips , harry smiled down at him and places a kiss to his forehead .

He lies there and admired him for a few more minutes , while the rain taps on the window lightly in the background .

Harry moved his hand and placed it on Louis' back under his shirt , drawing small circles with his fingertips while humming in his ear .

"Lou … Lou wake up ." he hummed softly in his raspy morning voice .
Louis stirred lightly , eyes flattering open slowly .

"Haz , I'm tired , let me sleep ." he mumbled and turned around in Harry's embrace , so his back is facing harry .

"but , Lou , we have the day off today and tomorrow ." Harry tried to convince him , hugging his small waist in his large arms from behind . "And you know what that means … no paps , no management … no Eleanor ."
Harry watched Louis' face , a smile slowly tugged on his lips . He opened his eyes and turned around , pressing his lips to Harry's softly .
"You always know how to convince me into things ." Louis giggled , letting Harry pull him close to him .

"Come on , let's get up . We'll make breakfast together ." Harry said , placing a kiss on Louis' cheek before lifting the covers and getting up .
"I'm gonna go to the restroom , you can wait for me downstairs ." harry said and walked into the bathroom , closing the door .

Louis felt chills running down his spine , noticing he was only in a pair of sweats and a t shirt . He pulled out of the closet a sweater , trying to pull it over his head but getting stuck .
"Haz , a little help here ?" he called through the shirt when he heard the bathroom door open .
"what do you need , boo ?" Harry asked , walking over him , trying to control his giggles .

"I got stuck and it's dark in here , help me ." Louis said , and Harry could hear him pouting .
He looked at him for a second , Louis' hands stuck up in the sweater , causing his shirt to ride up a little , exposing his tummy just above his belly button .
"aww , but Loubear , your cute little tummy is showing !" harry said and poked his exposed skin .
"d-don't !" Louis flinched and giggled , "You know I'm ticklish there , don't do it ! Help me !"
"Oh , alright ," Harry gave up , giving his tummy one last poke before helping him .

"Why did you do this ?" Louis pouted while Harry helped him pull his hands out .
"'Cause your tummy is the cutest thing ever ," Harry said , smiling , "and I wanted to hear you laugh ."
Louis blushed and hugged Harry's middle , burying his face in his neck . Harry laughed lightly and hugged him back tightly , "I love you ." he whispered , making Louis smile and blush deeper .
"I love you too ."


Hope you liked it x


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