Wrong Number -Part 2

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It's been a month since the first time Harry and Louis met . They managed to meet two more times , with Harry's busy schedule and Louis' constant working .

Harry was having the time of his life ; Louis was amazing , he was funny and sassy and so cute and beautiful . He enjoyed everything with him ; their long phone talks , laughs , jokes , kisses - oh the kisses .

But Louis was hiding something , and Harry was oblivious .

It's not that he was supposed to know , because Louis is such a good actor that he couldn't detect a lie .


Things went downhill the first week Harry couldn't reach Louis over the phone . He would call several times a day with no answer , and would get a text late at night from him that he was at work all day and going to sleep .

On day nine he was so worried that he got into his car to drive to Louis' place , and that was when Louis called him .

"Lou , holy shit , where have you been ? I was trying to reach out to you for more than a week ."

"I know , I'm sorry , I've been really busy with work . Like , really busy ."

"You're overworking yourself , love , take a break . This isn't healthy ."

"No , you don't get it . I have to go to work , I have to ."

"I know , I know you need the money but you're exhausting yourself . This is not okay , at all ."

"I'm not arguing about it , so can we please move on ?"

"Have you thought about what I asked ?"

"I- you know I couldn't ... I don't want to -"

"You are not a burden , I want you to come live with me . I get that it's soon , but please Lou ."

The line was quiet for a bit before Louis spoke again .

"I'll think about it ."

"Thank you . I care about you a lot , I want to know you're okay ."

"I am okay , I promise ."


It was three weeks later that they spoke again . Not because they didn't try , but because Louis wouldn't answer .

Harry couldn't sleep at night , barely went through the day without knowing Louis was okay . It scared him how much he worried about Louis , but he couldn't help it .

Then one night Louis called .

"H-Hi ."

"Hi Lou , how've you been ?"

"I'm - I'm good ."

"You don't sound like you're good ."

"This is n-not why I called ."

"Have you thought about moving in ?"

"Harry -"

"Please tell me you're saying yes ."

"Harry , this -"

"I'm so worried about you , love , I want you close to me so I know you're okay ."

"Harry this isn't working out ."

Harry got quiet for a few seconds .

"What ? What isn't working out ?"

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