I'll Wait For You

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⚠️ Warning - this one sucks


The boys were called to their management's office for some news . They were nervous , since almost every time they were called something bad happened .

They walked into the office and sat down , Niall and Liam on one couch , and Louis , Harry and Zayn on the other .

"Hello , boys ." The gut behind the table said , and the boys mumbled their hi's back .

"I guess you're wondering why are you here ," his assisstant said , looking at them all and stopping her eyes on Louis . "Louis , i'm sorry , but you're out ."

Louis' heart was beating loudly against his ribcage , "What do you mean , i'm out ?"

"Out of the band ." The guy said , with an emotionless expression .

The room was quiet , until Liam spoke up , "What the fuck ?! Why ??"

"Apparently , Louis doesn't have what out fans are looking for . That's not good for the band ."

Louis was in a shock state , he didn't respond . Harry looked at him and hugged him tight , "Lou , Louis , love , talk to me , please ." He whispered in his ear , but Louis didn't talk . Tears gatheres in his eyes , slipping silently .

"You can't do that ! He's a part of the band !" Zayn stood up , fists clenched . "If he's out , i'm out too ."

"You can't , you have a contract ." The assisstant said , "And now , if you may , go help Louis pack his things , his flight leaves tomorrow noon back to England ."

The boys were quiet , knowing they had no chance , even if they tried to . Harry helped Louis to his feet , guiding him out the door . Once they were outside , Louis' knees gave in and he started sobbing , falling to the floor . Harry went down with him , holding him close with the boys following .

"I don't wanna go ." Louis managed to choke out , burying his face in Harry's shoulder . "I know , love . I know ." Harry whispered , rubbing his back .

A few minutes later they broke the hug , all had tears in their eyes . Harry held Louis up in his arms , with Louis clutching him close .

They made it to the car , sitting quietly and holding onto each other , mostly on Louis .

They got to their hotel in no time , stepping inside in one group , avoiding the screaming fans . They walked in Harry and Louis' shared room and collapsed on the bed in a mess of limbs , lying there silently for as long as they could remember before it was the night , and they left to their rooms , leaving Harry and Louis inside .

"Harry ?" Louis croaked , looking up at the boy , who had tears in his eyes . "Yeah ?"

"Make love to me , before I leave ."


The next day , Harry helped Louis pack his things , as slow as he could , kissing him every few seconds and making lame jokes , trying to get him to smile .

He succeed making him smile and giggle , only after poking his sides countless times .

Every few minutes people walked into their room , hagging Louis and telling him they're gonna miss him . When Lou walked in with Lux , Lux was crying and begging him to stay , which made Louis cry himself and hold the small girl tight , trying to calm both of them down .

At the airport , it was the hardest .

The boys were crying , they pulled him into a hug and promised to stay in touch .

Larry Stylinson -ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now